
I’ll just reiterate what I said last time - I don’t want to spend the year chasing trailers. They’re not something I watch a lot. E3 serves a valuable purpose in compacting this down to one event where you can take a look and decide whether you’re interested in a game.

Last I heard Israel just kicked out Netanyhu? Still, perhaps more to the point - they don’t use RCV. Both are PR states, but neither use RCV any more significantly than how a few US localities have tried it. I don’t think Israel uses it at all from recollection in fact, they just have one vote to assign to a closed

I (finally) got a card through EVGA’s queue. Admittedly since nVidia increased the price $200 right before launch, and it was already overpriced (and not the card I was trying to get) I still got ripped off, but nonetheless.

Honestly, I’d still argue Demon’s Souls is their hardest game. Simply because it relies more on ‘gotchas’ than the others. Most of their other games are significantly more skill based. As a result I kind of shrug at this kind of argument, as I don’t know where they’d rate that game.

We need an opposition party (or more preferably, to eliminate the two party system so people can have more representation), so I can actually understand his argument. The problem comes in when you look behind it. He says a lot of nice things, but at the end of the day he donated to Trump and McConnell. The Trump

I’ve said it elsewhere, but I have no interest anyways. I despise modern Microsoft UI design (and modern UI design in general). I use a PC, I want my UI to be efficient and user friendly. Giant icons in a vast wasteland of a window are pointless. Text based menu UI works because it’s compact, efficient, easy, and

I agree with most of your points, and have the opposite conclusion.

Legitimately confused by how fond some people are of this game. Maybe it’s because I wound up playing it years late (I only finished it around when BotW came out), but if anything the game was just a let down. Calling it bad would be to make it more pointed than it actually was, it just flat out wasn’t good. Cleaning

It was explicitly inspired by the games supposedly. Haven’t played Vermintide or its sequel, though I’d been under the impression it was more of a loot game. I’ve sort of vaguely intended to try those for years.

Rock and Stone, miner. I’m proud of you for mentioning DRG.

This really reminded me of something I honestly think a lot when I run into games like this - namely that I’d like to see these kinds of aesthetics outside of sidescrollers. It seems like the medium keeps getting some of the best aesthetically designed games, while particularly the bigger games in gaming are

Honestly, despite all the points about how it’s completely different, it mostly made me miss SSX. Albeit the last really good one was 3.

Certainly a degree of truth in that, but on the other hand they did announce it in 2018. A seven year development cycle would already be pushing things for a AAA. Would I be shocked? Not really, they’ve gone back and forth on whether it’s in pre or not, and Todd Howard fucking with people for PR is absolutely on brand.

2023 maybe? It’s not unusual for E3 trailers to not pop up till near time after all. That said, yeah I agree with your general point here. This was a crazy delay. To be fair I suppose, they have released Fallout 4 and 76 in the past ten years, but still.

I am honestly somewhat confused that Square Enix had an E3 show this year.

Just play it on PC. Yeah though, while Obsidian gets ‘best trailer’ for their hilarious Outer Worlds 2 announcement, Redfall is what I’m actually most interested in playing.

I feel like there’s a pretty big period where this is roughly what people expected the future to look like. Analog, clunky, but powerful. I’d date this appearance to basically anywhere from around the moon landing up to the 90s, basically it’s the step after Fallout style aesthetic retro-futurism.

Honestly, first impression is that this is more retro-future than future. Those switches and the like did not look futuristic, far less centuries in the future.

Unfortunately, I largely play loot games for the loot, so that’s a definite issue for me. Still, we’ll see. I managed to enjoy BL3 despite being a mess, so it’s likely at least playable. I’d still prefer they iron out the major issues though.

This game is coming with a piece of hardware I ordered (my new monitor from recollection), hopefully they’ll at least sort out the major problems by the time I’m ready to play.