
I skipped this since I’m just finishing the first dungeon and haven’t advanced that confidant. Still, as someone who has five different methods of brewing coffee at home, I am definitely looking forward to this part of the game.

Honestly, just makes me miss SO2. I really don’t know what to say past that, since I don’t want to cheer for less games or for the series to die, but even ignoring SO2, the last SO game I loved was SO3.

Fingers crossed then, albeit I admit the incorrect shipping date is bothering me either way.

Currently worrying that my Persona 5 preorder won’t get here on release day, since Amazon isn’t listing release day shipping for it. Also, this makes me oddly nostalgic, since I don’t recall the last time I preordered something with a physical copy.

Waiting for Persona 5, and yes I assure you it’s involved enough to be considered a game all on its own. Why I spend a significant portion of each day playing it I tell you.

The original had a surprisingly decent combat for its style, which worked well due to how much positioning they used in their dungeons. I have to admit I wouldn’t mind trying out a more action oriented style though. I will say it had some great level design also. Albeit its best puzzles were the ARGs before the game

To be fair here, the changes they’ve made to Bnet since SC2 dropped have slowly killed off much of the remnants of the original service anyways, even with them backtracking in some cases. Makes me nostalgic for the Diablo though I admit.

I’d prefer an SO2 HD version, but eh. I might pick it up if it made it elsewhere and was cheap, but honestly at this point I already beat that game so many times I’m not sure I’ve got another in me.

All I’ve got to say here is that despite both of us loving JRPGs we have very, very different tastes in Zelda games. The only one of your top 3 I’d consider for mine is LttP, and it probably wouldn’t have made it (despite me actually liking the game, and it getting me to pay attention to the series, as I’d preferred

The stars want me to play mobile games?

I’ll be honest, I’m dubious as all hell. The nerfs seem aimed at what he does well, while the buffs seem aimed at what he doesn’t. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see this turning out well.

Remember, it’s concurrent. Lots of people have different schedules and don’t leave Steam running. You’re probably thinking of the total user numbers instead.

Congratulations on another step closer to decrepitude and death!

It doesn’t always work though. I still remember when I was playing a Zen, just doing my own thing, dispensing nerfs and buffs when out of the blue, despite most of my team being present, “You’re powered up!” To be fair, it turned out better than expected.

I just finished an RMA on one of my 970s, so I’m back in good shape for gaming, which naturally means I have no real idea. So probably Overwatch. Yet again.

You could make this list just for JRPGs from the PS2 and still have just as many games on it.

Briefly? I don’t view it as immoral, just boring. If someone else wants to view it, more power to them.

On the one hand, this is distasteful, on the other Wild Arms has been going downhill for a bit now, and I don’t remember the last good Arc The Lad (Twilight of the Spirits maybe?) So I suppose we aren’t exactly losing anything. Still, this is not exactly good news. I’m also amused about how the announcement sounded so

Just finished installing Rise of the Tomb Raider actually, picked it up on Black Friday for $15. Probably going to stick to that and maybe some Overwatch for the weekend.

Rise of the Tomb Raider while it was down to $15 at Gamestop, and I regret not also buying Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe, since I later found out that $22 is a better deal than even the base game has been sold at so far. Didn’t pick anything else up this year though.