The last numbered Tekken game I remember playing is 3, and this still seems familiar. I'm not sure if that's a comment on the genre's narrative standards, or the generic nature of this trailer.
The last numbered Tekken game I remember playing is 3, and this still seems familiar. I'm not sure if that's a comment on the genre's narrative standards, or the generic nature of this trailer.
I did grow up with it Jason, but honestly it never struck me like that either. Possibly it's because a lot of people entered the genre with it? I don't know, but for my part I find Chrono Cross to be the better game by far. This isn't to say that I think Chrono Trigger is bad, I'd actually agree it's a great game that…
Seriously, hats off to you for this. Waiting on Republic of Thieves was a terrifying experience, with all those delays.
To elaborate on what another respondent said, GOG desperately needs to expand their catalogue outside their original niche. I monitored their site multiple times a day during the sale, but honestly most of the available material is either stuff I already own, or stuff I'm not interested in. While I respect the work…
I suppose Psychological really needs no explanation, although it's a particular favorite of mine that lacks any kind of real coherence as a genre in the west (although it comes somewhat closer in literature I suppose).
Well, this got out of control quickly. Regardless, in my opinion this E3 could be summarized as a return to status quo. Or to turn around something Phil Spencer said, gamers lost E3. The previous E3 was something we hadn't seen in years, it wasn't just a series of expected announcements and footage for games we'd…
Well. That was not what I expected in any way, shape, or form.
Well, based on the current price, and the idea that they'll lower it for the consumer version... You're probably in the right area. I'd expect something in the $199-$299 range most likely.
If anyone from Kotaku wants to do me a favor, please, please, go play this game again and get footage of all the skill descriptions (particularly Athena's red tree, or even better, Nisha if she's available).
Before the nvlddmkm.sys crashes drove me away from the game, I was waiting for the Musketeer/Corsair personally. Might give this another spin when I build my next PC, hopefully that'll solve the problem (since nothing else fucking well did). Then again, I'll probably be distracted with other games when I do that later…
I'm beginning to feel somewhat out of tune, since I'm of the opinion that this years E3 is nothing but a return to the disappointing status quo prior to the previous edition. As for Nintendo, I felt let down. Yes, open world Zelda is a big deal, but I thought the games were heading in a darker, more mature direction…
Already knew this was coming, but glad to see more of course, and particularly glad to see enough indications to make me tentatively hopeful that it'll have better characterization than Xenoblade Chronicles. Still, I'd have preferred a new JRPG announcement instead. On the other hand, I'm obsessive enough that I'd buy…
You have bizarrely good timing, I just logged on. Regardless, personally I found The Last Hope the weakest of the lot, but I'd be hesitant to call it not worth it. Rather I'd say that it let me down in a number of ways, despite having a great premise. As far as recommendations though, if you're low on JRPGs, might as…
The first thing I have to say is that, personally, this E3 was a disappointment. I feel it's a return to the status quo of years past as opposed to a continuation of the incredible experience that occurred last year.
I'm going to be honest, it felt to me like I was expected to be awed by the elegance and design of how they did the trailer, but actually on the whole I actually was less impressed by it than most of the trailers so far (and far less impressed than by the gameplay). Don't get me wrong, I found the concept an…
Your suggestion meets with my extreme approval, albeit it reminds me of some personal disgruntlement, in that I loaned my copies of the DDS games to a friend who moved away, and have no way to contact.
I'm one of the lower backers, I figure I'll just earn the other ships in game. And honestly, at the low end the rewards make a lot more sense for the quantity of money involved, and you get quite a few neat little bonuses. I have to admit, I'm horribly envious of people willing and able to blow huge amounts on this,…
I don't even think I'd call that breaking it, but it's part of what I love about the game. There are so many weird things you can do and acquire. A good example of this would be the early Mars Village treasure chest, or Mischief. I will agree that the design kills the difficulty, but on the other hand the game seems…
Agreed, it's something more along the lines of what I'd expect in an MMO to be honest. In pointed fact, I really play it more like an MMO than a JRPG.
Honestly the part that eats more of my playtime than anything else is the sidequests. There are so damned many of them that just collecting them can take longer than doing all the sidequests in a given area in a typical JRPG.