
Disappointed to be honest, I've been waiting on an announcement. While I felt BL2 was a more polished, complete game on the whole, it simply didn't occupy me the way the original did (due to reductions in loot variety), and I've been hoping to use BL1 to scratch my loot itch soon. Owell, maybe I'll go back to PoE.

Ok, I've got to admit I really like those style choices. I'm a skeptic about the game, but on the other hand they do appear dedicated if nothing else.

Unless that's what they wanted, since it drums up sales. Seems like similar logic to major discounts in sales, where the purpose is to convince the customer it's a deal they can't pass up, even if they wouldn't have bought it before.

On average it has earned 17k a day, but that's skewed by the early days (where it earned over 100k a day). Even with the recent boost in backers, it only earned 16k yesterday, and prior to that was fairly dead.

I was actually just noticing the same thing, went on KS and pledged (admittedly late), and was shocked that it wasn't into the stretch goal area. Personally, I think this one can be partially marked down to the campaign it ran, since looking at other recent KS video game successes, it certainly doesn't seem to be a

That seriously disappointed me, your post seemed to imply the digital version was on sale. Owell, I'm just looking around for an MMO to distract me, guess I'll play something else. Though it amuses me that Amazon is trying to get rid of hard copies.

What happened to that AMA Gaben was going to run anyways? I remember the furor over it, but haven't seen any articles on it occurring.

This sort of makes me wonder about a game based on the Darwin's Island/Evolve maps from WC3. While I love this idea, I feel as though a game where players compete as monsters to evolve would perhaps be even more enjoyable.

Why precisely is Diablo III on here? Everything else aside (although full disclosure, while I considered Diablo III not awful, I dislike it), I'm disgusted that it was nominated at all. It's dishonest, and a ridiculous exception. More directly, do you see the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition up there? What about the

I'll be honest, I don't like sports. Or to be a lot more specific, I don't like watching other people play sports, or professional sports in general (I actually don't mind playing some). What I do like however is human development, and RPGs. With that in mind I have to admit when I saw the title of this article I

I absolutely agree with this, I feel as though there's a fundamental misrepresentation of the console JRPG these days, as an emptily pretty wasteland. The reason for this appears to be rather simple, and that is that there aren't that many AAA releases to base the view on. Most people seem to focus almost exclusively

Amusing timing, I'm in the middle of a replay of this. I have to admit, while I'm not that fond of LttP (I like it better than the earlier Zelda games, which I didn't really get into, and better than most of the portable entries, but it's not even in my top 3 Zelda wise), it was incredibly impressive for its time, and

This is a cool idea, and I have to admit the market for it is most certainly there. The armbands are... Not precisely convenient (or all that comfortable generally). I'm somewhat curious as to how they'd manage such a thing though, given that they'd need an incredible monitoring capability given that people are

Have to admit to a certain degree of disinterest, I have nothing against the controller certainly, but it's games that sell consoles for me, not the other way around. I'll doubtless get one eventually, but not any time soon.

Interesting read, although ironically the part I found most interesting was the section devoted to real life implications. That said, I did derive one thing of importance from the rest of the article, and that was that games simply tend not to offer enough choices that have impact on a significant scale. True, we're

I feel like I have to note for the enthusiastic here, I can't advise against buying that monitor enough. Ignoring the rest of its specs, it's still 30 Hz.

I don't know, TWEWY was within the last decade. Admittedly though, looking back these last years haven't exactly lived up to the original promise they showed though. If anything though, I think things are looking better in the future for Square. That said, it's somewhat disturbing that I can actually address your

While I feel like this single conversation has already gotten more individual focus than its worth, what I find much more singularly disturbing is the insight into the institutionalized mindset of the industry as a whole towards sexual discrimination. You can't fix things without having a conversation about them, and

Working on this currently, will be building my next PC later this year with Haswell-E, the nVidia 800 series, and an Overlord Computers 1440p 120hz monitor most likely. Really looking forward to jump up in resolution especially.

Bang on the head, while I found most of the article interesting, the comparison between console and PC is not of relative system capability, but of availability at all on the PC.