
I'm loving these technical articles you guys have been posting lately, gives me something to read that I'm interested in and which is long enough to hold my attention for a bit. Keep up the good work Kirk.

Disappointed. I was thinking about taking another spin through Vanguard, maybe making a new Disciple or Bloodmage. Despite all the problems the game has (and had in the past), it remains one of the few MMOs which has successfully drawn me back in multiple times.


The update history doesn't list a change today, but it says it was edited today at 5 PM, and it was on the front page again... What the hell changed?

That's great it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an airplane, Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

$500? Maybe $400? That's for the GPU alone, you don't really see a lot of price breaks for enthusiast cards. Also if it was for years off, I wouldn't expect them to use something based on a multiple generation old enthusiast card, they'd actually get better bang for their buck using something more modern if they

You're looking at the wrong bit, while you'd be correct if they left it at that, they didn't. They go on to mention the number of shaders, processing power, etc. And those fall in the area of the 290/290x.

Let the conspiracy theories begin? Because lets be honest, that's where this is going to go.

Negate is actually an understatement, comparatively speaking the PS4 and Xbox One are both made out of much less expensive parts, to the extent that if this machine actually existed, even pricing it at $900 I'd expect them to be selling at a loss. Honestly, this level of advancement past the average PC is something

I'll be blunt, the simplest red flag I saw in the specs they posted was this: The custom GPU they mention would be based on the R9 290 or 290X, which is pricy enough that even ignoring the rest of the specs, they would have to charge a huge amount, and probably still wind up taking a loss.

Nowhere near long enough to get into the depth of weirdness and awesomeness that is Xenogears. Also, I'm highly disappointed in you for spoiling one of the greatest games of all time Kirk, Xenogears is fully deserving of discovery as you play. Although I do still replay it regularly, and find some new element of the

They did fine justifying it during the earlier part of the game where she was just surviving. Also, to note here I didn't mean it was horrifying, I mean it used over the top horror cliches. Sort of like a B movie.

I have to admit, I love those things. I wouldn't mind seeing them make a return (I still have a pair in real life).

I just finished the game a few days ago, and the same thing struck me, those were my absolute favorite elements of the game. My problem is that it seems as though the developers had a disagreement over which way to take the game, since it varies between gritty portrayals of dealing with a hard situation, and well...

Yeah, I got sick of dealing with separate high security passwords for each account. I just use LastPass now, generate all my passwords out of that, and don't reuse them. Since my email has two step verification I mostly run everything out of that (though I do have a few emails setup to feed into one).

I actually feel as though the apology was well written. He explicitly states that he takes responsibility for his choices, and that the explanation for what he did is just that. Maybe I'm being credulous, but personally I think it seems genuine.

Odd, I can't reply to anyone in this discussion. Anyone else having this issue?

Ok, I'm downright bemused. I've seen bigger patches than that, but they were in MMOs, generally highly unoptimized MMOs still in testing, and they were stuffed full of content. I have jack all idea what the hell they would need 13 GBs for to enable online content, or even for a huge raft of fixes.

This is among the most surprisingly well written things I've stumbled across on Kotaku. It's both detailed and succinct, covering the salient points without belaboring them, and manages social commentary as well as insightful feedback for the game developers. I can only say that I hope they change their game, as I

This is disturbing on a multitude of levels, ranging from the practical (implementation, and lack of access to important information that falls under this), to the implications of controlling the ability of the populace to access what they wish. Another thing that really disturbs me here is that it's opt out, and