
Skip Tactics as well, makes Suikoden 4 look good. As for the next Persona game, I believe we had some news a while back that they'd began active development? This is based off recollection though. Either way, I'm fairly sure they've mentioned it's a while off.

I still like them, but I suppose the emphasis there ought to be on still. I listened to them all through the mid 90s, so I'm not all that sure how they're regarded by people who didn't, or really just in general. I suppose at the end of the day though, I enjoy most music.

Now playing

While more general rather than focused on China, I feel it's relevant. Also hilarious. I miss you Jib Jab.

Like I said, I had the video site whitelisted. NoScript is easily the best add-on of all time though.

Not visiting that site again, the damned thing started autoplaying four videos. If nothing else, this teaches me a lesson about not whitelisting video playing sites permanently. Ugh.

CD Projekt Red? I suppose Witcher 3 is moving away from that though. Cloud Imperium Games maybe with Star Citizen... On the whole we've moved away from that viewpoint, towards a more commercially aware one, and I think we've lost a great deal by doing so.

Multi-platform releases do not necessarily equal "console games" though. Whether they're series that are now being released everywhere (such as TES), or simply new IPs, that they are available in more than one format is not an argument in favor of the label. Don't get me wrong, the change you've mentioned here, in so

I fundamentally feel you've gotten this backwards. If you go back that far in time, then multi-platform releases in general were a dead area. What you're charting here isn't another increase in PC gaming (which has had people doom saying about it for as long as I can recall there being PC gaming), but the movement

Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I have consoles and if I absolutely must I'll play it on one of them, but I intensely dislike doing shooters anywhere off the PC generally. On top of that, the very style of the game lends itself even more to PC use than usual, as both FPS controls and dealing with menus for RPGs work

Nice to see someone willing to stand up and state the obvious while in the spotlight. There's been too much focus on point scoring, as though arguing in favor of a given freedom is easier if you argue against another.

I thought I was the only one. I've just recently started managing to correct myself when I type ATI rather than AMD. It drives me absolutely batshit.

Swift Sail. So much Swift Sail. While I'm not that much of a fan of Wind Waker, this probably addresses the most irritating thing I dealt with in playing it. I still wouldn't call it the second, or even third best Zelda game though.

This is downright cool, they have an excellent point. Games which trend towards realism really should include the consequences inherent in such choices. It adds an additional dimension of depth to the game. Props to them.

Truth be told, for me the reason I play less is mental rather than habitual. I'm simply too tired, I have no energy for concentrating for long periods of time these days. It's honestly horrible, since it impacts most of my preferred leisure time activities. Worse, what hours I do spend playing I enjoy less, since I

It's a good reason to be upset, Suikoden II is worth playing multiple times, forget once.

While I don't hold with considering Diablo III part of the series, I will note that I would've had no problem with an auction house even in the original games. In Diablo 1 duping and trading were absolutely rampant. And in Diablo II I, and many others, flocked to third party websites to sell our gear. While there were

Um? I don't think Pier Solar HD is even due out for those of us who were backers for another three months? I remember I got the monthly update a day or two ago, but it was just an interview. Regardless, as far as I'm aware it's on track for release. Really looking forward to it.

Aeon of Strife was actually the original AoS (the latest name of the month is MOBA, but the genre was at first called after the original map), which debuted in Starcraft. Honestly I feel like it deserves a shout out for spawning everything that came after if nothing else.

Well, this is both depressing and surprising. Last I checked Logitech was winning handily. I suppose I ought to have looked in on that again later, but I didn't expect a huge surge of votes like that. Regardless, I can only say I'm unlikely to ever touch a Razer product again, their quality issues make them unusable

If you haven't played the original games then I can recommend it - it's actually not a bad game. Just... Not Diablo. I'd actually say it mostly closely resembles the old Gauntlet Legend games if you're familiar with them. Which isn't a bad thing in itself. That said, if you haven't played the original Diablo games,