
To be fair, the videos of D3 have always been well made, if not quite up to D2's standard of emotion. I'll be more interested to see if it actually turns dark or if it's more butterflies and middle fingers to fans. Well, being a hypocrite, I'll buy it either way.

1. Big name exclusives. Lots of them.

I have at present three Logitech mice sitting around, one of which is over a decade old. Yet nonetheless, despite all of them having received absolutely huge amounts of use, every single one of them is completely functional and still ergonomic. They're mice built for function, not simply for looks or culture. And with

Vote: Logitech G600


Current usage percentage, non portable/portable: 100/0

Felt the same way, I got terribly addicted to Smite for a month or so. To be fair though, I'd been waiting for a more twitch based AoS game for many years. I won't comment on the competitive potential though, since the last AoS I played enough to get a real feel for was LoL in beta, and it pretty much broke down with

I'd appreciate one as well - hearing problems make videos a hard place to get information from for me.

After the excitement around E3, it seems like the next generation console war has been quietly drowning itself lately. I'd like to see some more hectic competition for buyers. Ah well, probably just impatient, it hasn't been that long since E3 anyways. Plenty of time left for them to rev things up and have at each

Even speaking as someone whose favorite Final Fantasy games are well in the past, and considering my opinion that the series took a huge dive with FFX, setting up, "Is Final Fantasy dead?" as a big question is simply hyperbole in my opinion. Regardless of whether we like the recent entries, there's absolutely no

That's correct, Republic of Thieves has an October 8th release date. Lynch drove me nuts on this one, made GRRM look like he was in a hurry. Been six years since I first read Red Seas Under Red Skies, and so many false release dates that it's hard to believe. This one however is real, he put the manuscript into the

Severely disappointed. When I read Shark Assassination my mind immediately made a gleeful jump to Lies of Locke Lamora and I assumed I could summon sharks with shark bait and feed them people.

Hammered it. If I don't check a walkthrough I worry that I'm going to miss something with a time or event based requirement. I absolutely go through them, I check and ensure that I've cleaned out areas, I make certain that I've met all pre requisites, and I carefully keep everything just in case it's relevant later.

This passed anger into rage and a heavy, sick feeling in my gut. It feels like it just compressed the stages of grief into one bitter whirl. The series which I love almost all seem to have either passed into memory or been beaten down now. You know Jason, I'd love to see an article going over old series of JRPGs from

This is a surprise? Easier to get passwords, emails, and user names from there, and there are still huge segments of users who don't use unique combinations for each site.

The problem that I see here is that a larger field of deals should result in more competition, not less. And I'd contend that lackluster is exactly the word for this sale, not merely in that the deals were not competitive with other sales this year, but in that they simply didn't put as much into this sale. Looking

I'm with Jason here, I find audio and video highly inefficient ways to convey information. They're speed limited, and it's difficult to skip around. I frequently don't have a lot of time to glance through Kotaku, and it's nice to be able to use a few minutes to read about JRPGs.

Perhaps it's just me, but my basic thought on this is too little, too late. Perhaps Blizzard will rehabilitate into a worthwhile company, but honestly I think Vivendi managed to destroy too much of value when they decided to attack Blizzard North.

This is mildly absurd, it certainly isn't a top 12 best list in the sense of being for all the games on the PC, and even as a modern list it falls down (for that matter, some of these games aren't even that modern). This seems more like a mess than anything else to be honest, and a confused one at that.

Xenogears is always (always) worth a replay. Each time I wind up finding some element of the game that I've missed previously. And they almost inevitably shed further light onto the rest of the game. It's an incredible game on so very many different levels. That said, I have to admit that I find the game more focused