
Celebrating the end of a man who made his life’s work killing animals in such a manner is not analogous to “celebrat[ing] 5 fatherless children.”

You idiot. Fuck him, fuck his wife, and fuck their legacy. Maybe their children will grow up without their parents’ inherent cruelty and sociopathy and will choose a lifestyle that doesn’t involve poaching animals. We can hope. If not? Fuck them, too.

Acting like they’d won the superbowl when it hasn’t even passed in the Senate yet, to say nothing of the moral shittiness of the bill itself.

I have no problem admitting that the book is flawed, but I didn’t find any part of it titillating, and I’m a little disturbed to learn that there are people who do.

I don’t like to use the word hate but I totally fucking hate that entire family.

Why not a registry for murderers, drunk drivers, and people who have been convicted of unsafe or reckless use of firearms, then?

They will always be rapists, I don’t think they can be rehabilitated because then they’d have to see women as people, and they fundamentally do not. You can’t teach someone empathy.

Better safe than sorry.

I am a survivor and I will always be a survivor. I will never get to know what my life would have been like had I not been raped. So, yeah, he can carry that for the rest of his life, just like she will carry what he did to her for the rest of her life.

Honestly, you just read as thirsty for validation. You’re asserting something that is at best highly debatable (“The foreskin on my penis was removed when I was a child but because I identify as female that makes me a victim of FGM”) just so you can accuse people who disagree of denying your womanhood and call them

I’m looking.

They are apples and oranges because circumcision doesn’t take away a guy’s ability to have an orgasm. There’s also some good health effects of male circumcision, whereas female circumcision does not help anything but can be harmful.

The conversation about removing the foreskin is indeed an important one, but this is a conversation about mutilation of the vulva, clitoris, and labia, for the purposes of inhibiting a person’s sexual desire and agency. Removing the foreskin of the penis is not about preventing penis-havers from feeling or seeking

As another trans woman who was circumcised at birth and not thrilled that it still goes on, you really need to cut this bullshit out. Even if you sincerely believe that a circumcision is comparable to a clitoredectomy (lol) I can guarantee you that all you’re doing right now is pissing off would-be allies and giving

You brought up penile circumcision on an FGM post in the first place. You did the exact same thing that MRAs do. I realize you did it for entirely different reasons — as I wrote, your experience is important and valid — but it is NOT this. You are a woman who experienced penile circumcision and that is not what is

I haven’t seen any comment saying circumcision is “no big deal.” I’ve seen comments saying they aren’t the same, which they aren’t. They are radically different medical procedures with drastically different intentions and end results. The only people being silenced are the poor girls who undergo this procedure because

No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.

Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”

What the fuck? No. That is like saying if woman A slept with woman B who was trans but before she had transitioned in any way, or even publicly identified that way, then woman A has slept with a woman even though at that time woman B was biologically and publicly identifying as a man. Circumcision done to you as a

The one that got me was the 23 year old woman working in PR who said “As a person who’s always been complimented on [my] ‘stunning beauty’ … I’d been searching for a ‘hot’ guy to match the label I had always been given,” says Young. “But after a date or two, they’ll have problems hanging out with you and then will