
Totally not prom related, but I was a teacher (not anymore, thank you), and I was censured over my clothing. Once, I pointed out that the very dress I was wearing was also being worn by another teacher that very. same. day. The administration told me it was because we had different bodies and it looked different on

Animals can’t consent. It’s assault. That’s the problem, not social mores.

First - I agree with the points that white women need to recognize their privilege and not be complacent with the status quo because it benefits them. I also recognize that WoC are often left out of the conversation completely, among a myriad of other shitty, racial inequities that need to change immediately.

I understand the facets of her message and where she is coming from...what I don’t understand is trying to juxtapose her seriousness with the women behind her in order to shame them. For what? We don’t know anything about them except that they are white and they are marching. Are those alone enough reason to be

I have been vegan for 13 years, and I used to work at a vegan bakery and now work at a farm sanctuary, yet I have never even heard of these people (much to my delight), and none of the other vegans I know have either. I am hoping by ignoring them, people like this will just go away...

That’s Snow White’s Queen. In Cinderella (after slicing off parts of their feet), the wicked stepsisters and stepmother have their eyes pecked out by Cinderella’s bird friends.