
Watching her get eaten by her own is my current catharsis.

“As with any company with more than 30,000 employees, it is inevitable that there will be a small number of individuals who make claims against the company

Ooh, can they include the impacts of back-alley abortions, women and children who are forced to live in poverty because they came pregnant in unstable situations, statistical trends and scientific analysis, and the full story?

Entitled, over-successful white mediocrity: not just for men anymore!

Of course there is. But there are a lot of white women Democrats. In fact, there are more white women Democrats than there are black women Democrats. There are around 27 million eligible black voters v. 156 million eligible white ones. And those white women Democrats broke for Clinton—more than they did for Obama as

Because people love to find ways to sneak misogyny in where it can hide in plain sight. Thus sly jabs at these women because selfies! and pussy hats! and girls are dumb!, as if everyone within a hundred feet of the sign in the picture is supposed to appear somber and contemplative in order to prove they’re allies,

First - I agree with the points that white women need to recognize their privilege and not be complacent with the status quo because it benefits them. I also recognize that WoC are often left out of the conversation completely, among a myriad of other shitty, racial inequities that need to change immediately.

And around 89 percent of Democrats voted for Hillary. Party affiliation matters and was a much bigger indicator about where the vote would go than race.

I don’t fully support the picture.

Organize my people? As though as a white woman, all other white women are my people? Not only is that statement is not in any way helpful to the progressive cause (as white women are not given magical powers to convince the worst of white society to change their minds), it also serves to create a false division

I think we made it maybe a solid 24 hours past one of, if not the largest protest movements before we entered the “well actually” phase where the left fractures along rifts of who is more/less “liberal”.

I continue to be amused by the left’s unfailing habit of eating itself.

Out of this whole, entire story, this is what bothers you?

Also vegan, and have never heard of these people.

You know what’s a good advertisement for veganism? Normal vegans. My sister-in-law cooks delicious food, eats in normal restaurants, and rarely preaches (she got a little obsessed with the Blue Zone Diet and made my brother give up meet so they could both live to be 100). She’s healthy and happy and would never eat 51

This was really stellar trolling, brah. You had them going until Poodletime ruined the fun. This could serve as a lesson to all the baby trolls watching, you know? I mean, the subtlety of your point (that prison is too harsh on rapists; they shouldn’t have to suffer in barbaric prisons [where inmate rape is rampant,

“A lot of this community’s “drama” is amplified in a bid for traffic, a growing trend on YouTube that is not unique to its vegan members.”

You’re prioritizing the effects of the criminal justice system on the criminal over the safety of the public from a rapist. That undercuts the legitimate point you have about the deplorable state of prisons and lack of rehabilitation.

It’s not about feeling safe. (Which btw, I feel very safe. Not for the lack of rapists) It’s about not wanting a rapist behind me in line at the grocery store. Because he doesn’t deserve to have a normal life and I don’t deserve to have to deal with him in my presence.

Dude. The point of prison is to get rapists away from me. I don’t give a shit about giving them an opportunity to prove theyve learned. And more often than not, if you give that opportunity they prove they haven’t learned a thing.