Smoak on the Water

We started the 16-team league back in the 1990s from the old Baltimore Orioles’ USEnet discussion group. As O’s fans, it made sense to add a degree of flair - or flat-out idiocy - to have an O on the roster each year. Albert Belle on the season-long DL was a valuable player to have. Typically the smart play was to

Dude, we’ve already suffered enough. 

Easy - we’re all Orioles’ fans who met on the old Usenet Baltimore Orioles’ group. It’s been a condition of playing in the league since the beginning, when it was just some innocent O’s fans playing against some college professors and an ESPN Insider, and my stupid ass who had just done a couple of years of sports’

His walk Saturday night garnered mock applause, though the check swing wouldn’t have survived any kind of video replay.

It’s got to be the most prolonged death row walk in MLB history.

My league’s been around for a while. There were a few years where Albert Belle, despite not playing, was a very valuable Oriole to get on the roster. It was so bad some years that guys tried to trade for O’s on the DL. 

He wasn’t a shouter, but he definitely talked “big” if that makes sense. Not loudly, not screaming, not bellowing, just...big. And with enthusiasm!

I was at last night’s game. I’ve been an Orioles’ fan since I was old enough to watch baseball. I’m in a fantasy league that requires us to have at least one Oriole on our roster at all times. With Mancini out of the lineup, I legitimately hadn’t heard of 4 of the starting 9 players, and I wish I hadn't had to see

As a somewhat pathetic testament to my middle-aged brain, I completely forgot who the guests were that night. I’m fairly certain then-Senators Bob Dole and Tom Daschle were the guests, but it also could have been Representatives Dick Armey and Richard Gebhardt and Senators John Breaux and Trent Lott. I honestly can’t

It is my unassailable opinion that Rooney should have been a much bigger band than they have been. Their albums are just full of catchy damned songs that can eat up miles behind the wheel.

So here’s my Perot story:

yeah, he’s been a bright spot in an otherwise exceptionally rough year.

Counterpoint - most fast food and fast casual tomatoes are goddamned garbage. Even decent restaurants can have lousy hothouse tomatoes that are completely devoid of flavor, texture and appeal.

They’re ok, I guess. They're no Mary Sue Easter Egg though

I’m absolutely in awe. +1

St. Mary’s? I can only tell you that going to school there was the only thing that sucked more than the traffic.

for what it’s worth, I agree with you. Yes, OLEDs are *stunning* and there’s no denying they can deliver gorgeous images. But they can suffer burn-in within a month - I do commercial AV engineering and companies that have their conference room TVs display a logo or a static Help Screen image when not in use are

for what it’s worth, I agree with you. Yes, OLEDs are *stunning* and there’s no denying they can deliver gorgeous

I’m a commercial AV engineer, and these TVs have gotten almost TOO thin and flexy. I was on a project in Boston with 80 or so 55" LG 4K TVs being installed. We had at least two units fail because they weren’t stored completely vertical in transport from Asia or in domestic transit in the States. The slightest amount

I’m a commercial AV engineer, and these TVs have gotten almost TOO thin and flexy. I was on a project in Boston with

I bought one of these Q6 refurbs last month as I generally don’t mind refurb units and I don’t want to drop $5k on a TV my toddler is just going to paint with peanut butter and sticky fingers. I figured as an AV engineer, I could fix anything the refurb company didn’t fix, like maybe a bad HDMI port or something. Well,

I bought one of these Q6 refurbs last month as I generally don’t mind refurb units and I don’t want to drop $5k on a

It’s all part of the plan to put the Orioles into a better position to draft Zion.

You’re right. John Waters, Barry Levinson, Tom Clancy, Frank Zappa, DMX, Billie Holliday, Upton Sinclair, H.L. Mencken, Mike Rowe, DAVID FUCKING HASSELHOFF, Philip Glass, Babe Ruth...