Smoak on the Water

Shhh...please don’t bring up Ted Leo the Elder’s pending GM/President search. Just let me, for once, enjoy Wizards’ news this decade.

My sense is that Nike does NOT want what information Avenatti and Geragos have exposed, so they’ll either try to settle, or A&G will push for Nike to disclose their AAU payment programs in discovery. And that might indeed be enough for this to be (attempted, at least) quietly settled in a back room.

NOTE - does not

Mrs. Telecomic (Federal Attorney) and I were discussing this last night, and while Avenatti and Geragos are “celebrity” lawyers, they didn’t get that fame by accident. They don’t typically make mistakes, especially rookie ones. Attempting to extort Nike is one thing - maybe Avenatti got a little cocky? - but there’s a

that was my thought as well. He may very well have been waxed in the US, though he is white - might have bought him some time here in the States.

Hey now, somebody has to give the handjobs around there on Mei-Ling’s off-day.

If Adam Schefter is correct, and all the sports’ speculators are thinking Tiger Woods, and all the DC speculators are thinking Individual 1, I’ve got to think both of those men are so recognizable that they’d be mobbed by autograph seekers as soon as they got out the door. Even pre-Presidency Trump was a big celebrity.

I’ll read your book when it comes out. This is GOOD

It just happened, genius. Do you honestly think George Soros has paid protesters on retainer or something? And there’s a big difference between a Lt. Governor and a Supreme Court nominee. One can be voted out in the next election; the other can sit on the job until he drops dead. 

Clearly the best thing to come out of DC today.

that’s a good pull. +6

This is why you carry a laser pointer with you AT ALL TIMES

You know? I never did.

And you don’t see the Mahindra Maxximo in the US streets either, do you?


Not familiar with sitcoms starring Jews. 

like anybody in Germany would get that reference

Funny, that’s how the old East German Women’s Team did it too.

Austin’s been trying to warn us that Grove was Shady, as has the DC Metro.

I’ve never been more proud of my Alma mater, letting a blind kid play DI basketball

“That’s also what “pizzagate” was about (mysteriously not covered by the media)“

You avoided so many blue balls caused by the offspring of the 1% in Waterford, that’s for sure. Good call keeping closer to the Beltway. The Middleburg gals were lookers, but they all worked on horse farms. Grips like Teamsters, but with callouses like oil riggers. Good for corralling a 17 hand stallion; not so great

As somebody who worked in Loudoun County for years, I can assure you that there’s no way the fine citizens of Ashburn would ever have something as ghastly as a mere “prison”- or worse the more plebian “jail.” There’s no way Loudoun County would ever use such a declasse name.