Not to criticize the fine offensive mind of Todd Haley, but of those three passes, two were overthrown and Coleman was held for 20 yards on the other. The one that was “in his chest” wasn’t.
Not to criticize the fine offensive mind of Todd Haley, but of those three passes, two were overthrown and Coleman was held for 20 yards on the other. The one that was “in his chest” wasn’t.
That may very well be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen.
I used to date a med school student as she was going through her human anatomy dissections, and a video showed how human remains were put through a band saw like a grotesque butcher shop to achieve such high-definition pictures of human meat. Seeing…
Oooh, OK. I thought that maybe you had top secret juicy info or something that hadn’t hit nationally, and that’s why you suggested the article.
I’d be curious to see what his high school classmates thought. They’re more localized to the actual time the abuse is said to have happened, and they would have known him when…
Haven’t Florida public schools suffered enough this year?
Serious question : how bad are the things they’re saying? I’m out on the East Coast, don’t hear much about Oregon or PNW gossip.
You’d think a team from Lamigo would be friendlier.
I have one of these, and it does work. I should provide a warning though - the microphone and listening technology in this unit is not nearly as accurate as the Amazon-made Alexa items. It hears the “Alexa” activation way too easily and incorrectly. I was listening to the “Somebody Knows Something” podcast and the…
I have one of these, and it does work. I should provide a warning though - the microphone and listening technology…
No, I do understand it, but it’s not really applicable, because that’s exactly how percentages work. We’re not dealing with percentages; we’re dealing with a sunk cost. It’s not about percentage of money saved; it’s hard dollars. Actual real life dollars.
For most people, income is either static, or at least static…
So, you’re saying a 100% MPG increase is great from 10 to 20, but 30 to 57, - not 35 to 50 as you invented for your lousy point - at 92-ish % increase, is not? Even 15 MPG increase, in your imaginary example, is not a *good* thing for people looking for efficient transportation? Especially for folks who commute long…
I have eaten at a Beef O’Brady’s in Maryland. My wife and I went there; I had a fish filet over rice that I could only assume was cooked on a salt lick that hunters use to attract deer in the woods.
I do hope for the vet’s sake the 40% discount goes to HBP medications.
So...then don’t buy one?
My wife drives 100+ roundtrip to work and back, and has an old lady Lincoln that chugs gas at nearly 18 MPG. She’d easily save $3000 a year on gas alone at today’s prices - gas has a bad habit of occasionally getting more expensive. The delta changes as prices increase.
The Ionic is a much…
But this car gets nearly 90% more gas mileage than the GTI on the highway, and well more than double in the city. That’s an amazing number for people who have to commute long distances for work, sit in stop-and-go traffic during rush hour. 30 MPG is great and the GTI is fun; spitting distance of 60 MPG is crazy and…
now that’s something to look at. Granted, not even 10% of US GDP, but enough to cause some action.
As a Ravens’ fan, I absolutely wanted to see San Diego in the playoffs. The Ravens *might* have won a single playoff game, but that’s not something I’d have banked on. San Diego at least could have been fun to watch - Rivers throwing 50 passes, some undrafted WR from a SUNY school nobody’s heard of catching 9 passes…
and New York had some of the worst smog, pollution, chemical spills, ground water contamination, damned near declared bankruptcy, couldn’t keep the lights on, highest crime rate of any mass transit system in the world, 1000+ murders in the city every year...yeah, the good ole’ days, alright!!
Nostalgia is a powerful…
2 billion isn’t much when talking macroeconomics.
It’s like a Deadspin Mad Lib at this point.
Most of the fan letters in WYTS are pretty repetitive throughout the teams- the owner is an out-of-touch old billionaire, the team drafted poorly, there’s a bunch of racist fans, blah blah blah... - but damned if Jed’s letter at the end make for one hell of a coda. That is an amazing story, and the first time I’ve…
their commercials from 20 years ago with Ray the Menard’s Guy might as well have been made in 1954. Hilariously outdated by 1990s midwestern standards. Still use the same format.
Former Iowan - the weather in the early spring *sucks* in Iowa, so they play baseball during the summer. Some old timer in Ft. Dodge once told me ‘we dem boys in the fields before they can play on the fields!” but I prefer to think the 8 inches of snow in the outfield is a factor as well.