Smoak on the Water

Straw man. Those guys didn’t give Colbert an incredible job like Moonves. Colbert is mentioning the relationship between him and Moonves; has nothing to do with Letterman or Clinton... or Trump. 

From a political support point of view, Lowes donates almost exclusively to Republicans. Menards only supports the most ardent of anti-union Republicans. Home Depot at least donates a better mix to Rs and Ds.

A couple years ago, I left the Government/Political arena in DC. Now I’m a specialized AV field engineer,

You’ve obviously never driven or ridden it, have you?

I recently drove down US 40 in the southwest part of the state. I saw more Confederate flags in front of shitty houses than I did in Charleston SC a week later.

they can sell out early, and they don’t make more throughout the day.

not a bad donut, but not life-changing good. Holy Joe’s in New Oxford PA used to hold that distinction. /RIP

I live in Western Maryland; can confirm that Krumpe’s is the best thing in South Hagerstown.

It is the only thing in South Hagerstown that doesn’t smell like 3-week old meth, but it’s still a really good thing.

At the time, it seemed like the best move the team had made since the Frank Robinson deal. Belle’s swing was so strong, and he had such a menacing presence at the plate... he was intimidating. We know *NOW* that his hips were failing rapidly, and maybe with current medical and surgical techniques, he might still have

I’ll defend the Albert Belle signing until my dying day. He was absolutely the most terrifying hitter in his prime. 

Which is strange because downtown Petaluma is goddamned adorable and pretty frickin’ charming and you can’t swing an American Flag do-rag without finding a delicious overpriced eatery. And it’s surrounded by fancy-ass wine joints and vineyards and you need a million bucks to find a fixer-upper.

So they must be the old

Gierson and Leitch would definitely nominate the cinematographer for an award, though the pacing seemed hurried.

Grade: B-

That’s the key. eSports isn’t the same as physical sport, and the whole thing seems like a lame attempt by the Olds to make it seem like they’re still hip and tuned in to what the kids are doing these days. I can’t imagine it being a huge crossover in the Venn Diagram between people who like to watch other people play

To be fair, it’s the longest undefended border on Earth. It’s not like many other international borders.

Holy. Shit.

I feel like I’m back on Geocities.

His free-wheeling offensive style in DC before was BEYOND entertaining

“That’s revenge for 1812, mother fucker!”


Swaggy P for Secretary of State, dawg

My wife and I were house shopping last year, and saw a really cool house in the woods in the country. Had a very shady, secluded lot, and a lovely in-ground swimming pool...which of course our toddler had to make a direct beeline for as soon as we started the house tour. We stopped her before she got too close, but


To be fair, that’s not an outrageous notion. Gas stays around 3 bucks in the US, no market. Gas gets close to 5 or 6 bucks? Different story, especially for the near-urban commuter.

And I went to listen to Disintegration, got distracted, found out that I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness made an album in 2014, and I’ve been listening to that all night.