Tejón Face

...What rock have you been living under? Lorde isn’t the god damn Wiggles, of course she’s not for kids.

Omg please get the fuck over yourself.

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

Also, male Conservative skincare consists of rubbing your face in manly gravel.

I’m particularly fond of her asking if using the word makes someone racist while repeatedly using it herself. I’m just asking questions, guys! Don’t mind the fact that I’m gleefully using a racial slur over and over again!

Meal one: For breakfast, Khloé downs one scoop of whey protein powder with one tablespoon of almond butter and a fruit of her choice blended with ice and water and made into a shake.

Sorry. My boots don’t have straps.

To be fair to eric he is at least PART human.

Harder said than done for the anxiety wracked amongst us, but a good goal to work for. Another technique I’ve picked up over the years is to remind myself that people spend 99% of the time thinking of themselves and not thinking about a minor stupidity that an acquaintance said.

It’s not age and it’s not pot. He is a bigot and has been. His words on Islam run parallel to Richard Spencer and White Hate. Please don’t try to excuse his Bigotry because he makes jokes about Republicans.

Seconded. If you remember Patrick Bateman’s lecture on the value of Huey Lewis and the News, that’s basically how I sound talking about CRJ, albeit usually with less murder at the end.

Am music snob, can confirm this is true. Full time Carly Rae-niac.

And he slightly tilts his head like when dogs try to understand what’s going on.

Yes, God. That was so satisfying.

My favorite moment is when Trump loosens his fingers to maneuver out of the handshake and Macron grips Trump’s hard one more time as if to assert that the handshake won’t end until Macron is good and ready.   

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

No, you’ve confused my fanfic with this trailer.

I have had “Boobs in California” stuck in my head since Friday and I’m ok with that!

So now Chuck Johnson is taking a shit on the floor of the White House?