Tejón Face

I actually thought the video was pretty cute...and the song was definitely less irritating to me than some of her more blatant “I’M TAYLOR SWIFT” songs.

It bothers me that I don’t hate this, because I feel like she watched the videos for ‘Weapon of Choice’ and ‘Chandelier’ and was like, “Yeah, just put those together.” And this would be improved tenfold if it were Christopher Walken or Maddie Ziegler dancing it.

My reaction too. Vans? I’m more scared of my own boss.

Well to be fair, rich people don’t spend ALL their money on those things, because even after buying all those things in ridiculous quantities, they still have absurd amounts left.

Yeah, and instead of vans maybe “my office,” “my gym,” or “any place with doors that lock.”

Same and included more women of color. Leslie is amazing and should have been in it more.

“My dad gave me a pink gun so, there’s a lot there.”

Did Milo buy all of those books himself?

Trust no ally.

I really just want a bunch of people to die at this point, I’ve got nothing constructive to say, I just wish death upon many many people.

Well....maybe he didn’t truthfully consult his generals while making a typical Dotard bigoted decision. But the Colonel was present at least!

Bannon called Trump the “greatest public speaker since William Jennings Bryan.”

Yep. This “art” is basically the mother of all shitposting.

This is fucking insane. This isn’t art. This is cruel. The “artists’” comments really put it over the edge. There is no reason the Guggenheim should endorse this especially after the comments. Shouldn’t have before either, obviously.

Art can be real fuckin’ stupid sometimes, and it could not possibly get any more stupid than when it puts me on the same side of an argument as god damn fucking PETA.

This kind of shit is exactly why I left the art world. I saw a vegan I graduated college with (I know she’s vegan because she never shut up about it) defending this because it’s only through “extreme art” that we become “disgusted with ourselves.”

I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.

FWIW having a baby at 20 is a pretty sure-fire way to make sure you “bounce back”.

Whatever, BRYAN.

I am depressed all the time. I fight with family all the time. I’m the only one in my family who didn’t vote for Trump. I see how corrupt he and his minions are, and the blind loyalty of people I thought I was close to just depresses the crap out of me. I think about moving to Canada, and then think, NO, why the fuck