This made me guffaw at my desk. Bravo, internet stranger.
No, look. Shut up. The human heart can only hold so much love. It’s basic science stuff. And if you really love and care about your family and Jesus like Republicans do, then you don’t have enough room left to love anyone else. Cause Jesus takes up a fucking shit load of space in the human heart. That’s another…
I hope science NEVER finds a cure for baldness.
Spicer: *storms back to the podium after 35 minutes* “PERIOD!!” *storms off again*
Spicer: “The president has an EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE, FULLY ENGORGED PENIS!!!” *storms off*
It really is incredibly stupid. As someone who has never touched an illegal drug in my life, I’d be interested in trying marijuana because (a) it seems to be pretty safe, (b) anecdotal evidence strongly suggests it can be very helpful in treating the symptoms of two different illnesses that I have, neither of which…
My daughter’s mother is a social worker with a focus on chemical dependency and she gets visibly angry at the term “gateway drug”...the concept is ridiculous and has been pretty much abandoned by people who actually work with addiction issues. It’s just another bullshit talking point with no actual truth to it that…
My guess is that he knows his political career is donezo, and he’s banking on a career in lobbying. The pharma industry is pretty big in New Joisey, and he’s probably using this pointless grandstanding as a resume.
IMO it’s basically the opposite. I used to be very interested in trying Molly, X, LSD, and shrooms at some point and now I’m like, “Look, with my anxiety that sativa is probably going to be way too much. I’m just gonna vape a little indica, watch some 30 Rock, and just chill in the Safe Fun Zone.” My interest in…
Well, republicans love to ignore science. Why should the science of addiction be any different to them? They probably read somewhere that Jesus hates pots and that’s all it took.
Is marijuana even truly a gateway drug anymore? I know a lot of people who smoke weed, and exactly zero of those people have addictions to other drugs.
Chris Christie is the guy who turns around when you yell “Hey Dork!”
No fucking way. They’d be the paranoid guys sitting on the end of the couch ending every sentence with “Do you guys hate me?”
I feel like this could warrant a university course. I wish I had taken it so I wouldn’t have felt all entitled to like, health.
The only good people are fetuses and those who’ve “passed on to a better place”*
Can a pride of flaccid weens be referred to as a Hannity for the sake of brevity?