Tejón Face

This is my take—I get that this show is important because everybody apparently watched it, but was anybody else surprised by how bad it was? Not for moral or social reasons but like, in terms of production value, acting, writing, etc? I was expecting something trashy and disturbing but still magnetic and addicting,

It sounds like he’s definitely worried about keeping it up. My guy had some similar temporary medication related issues when we first got together; he could get hard just fine, but he would lose it relatively quickly even if he didn’t finish. We just bought some fun lube and made foreplay into afterplay, so I could

“Ew, lepers.”

You mean Jesus DIDN’T say “Fuck the sick, hoard ur money”?????????!!

Fuck fucking all of them, and don’t get me started about the sick irony of that tiny cross on her necklace.

Re: Susan: www dot ughhhhhh ugh ugh dot com forward slash shut up shut up.

Or the guy that won’t shut up about how high we all are.

“Gateway drug” is the most hilariously stupid concept ever. Like...........that is not how drugs / drug abuse work.

I know the point here is that Chris Christie is a lewser but just to get needlessly heavy about stuff: I come from a family full of drug addicts can I just say shitheads like Christie making addiction sound like a secret dark magic germ that hides in marijuana plants and jumps out and grabs you and makes you do heroin

Good 👏People👏Literally👏Don’t 👏Have👏Bodies.

My life is good, therefore I deserve thing.


Legitimately rad makeup paired with a boring nightgown paired with a bad choker NEXT pls

never said “how dare you,” don’t plan on saying any of that other elaborately bad stuff either? But, ok...?

Yeah I basically agree—it’d be nice if that word hadn’t made an appearance.

look I’m not sure if you’re just trying to fuck with everybody here—but if you’re not: that word “lisp” was used once in the article, zero times by me, and this guy has a VERY average-sounding speaking voice. One million arrogant white dudes with an interminably pompous affect sound like this—there’s nothing “obvious”

It seems like you maybe created your account because of your concern with this article—just to be clear, I grew up with an actual speech impediment and worked on it in speech therapy for years.

Murder of Assholes, Pod of Fuckwagons, Pride of Flaccid Weens.

His voice is like if a gamergater’s penis could talk.

That lady looking at him like he has the head of a seeping grub....*muah*