Tejón Face

This is exactly how I see it too—he’s smart enough, and totally plugged in; in other words it’s not like he’s ignorant of the discourses relevant to the importance of diverse hiring practices; all that shit is available to him and has been and still he’s made no effort—in fact he won’t even promise to make a better

Omg this is so funny I was just having this conversation with my sister—I just cleaned my mirror yesterday and the high def reflection is like... when did my face go from inoffensive smear to this mess?

Bahahah fuck.

I know Taylor swift is cringey as fuck but my god “DJ Adam Calvin Harris Wiles” is a high octane cocktail of uncool, and these faux-adult tweets r lame.

Yeah, plus people have been speculating and asking about her working on the song for a while now—like her team is responding directly to tumors and questions already out there. Doesn't exactly seem that pernicious to me.

It’s like a sentient poopy diaper using the Internet.

psh I know it SEEMS like guns are more dangerous but if you use reason and logic* you’ll understand it’s the other way around.

“There’s a real difference between girls who are different. I know most people don’t notice subtleties like this but I’m a WRITER and it’s my job to observe, you know? Anywhoo...can I grab ur boob?”

My head is going to explode.

And for sex-words usually reserved for zoo animals.

I’m really intrigued by the “what was she wearing who knows I can barely remember!!” trope. Like its def what you said, a performative attraction thing, that they’re so bowled over by beauty the background details fade, but it also seems totally about masculinity, too. “I dunno about fashion stuff but her face and

Again, I am not saying he was wrong to stop her! But writing is a construction, it’s artifice, is mindfully compiled by the author—filtered and selective; a thing being “True” is not justification enough for its inclusion—he left out ten “true” stories for every one he included. Also—who says Saunders’ interpretation

I don’t object to him stopping her, and, as I said, his diagnostic of the tenor of political conversation was the part of the piece I really admired.

I guess the clumsiness of that point (for me) is that it doesn’t make clear that those two (inherently disparate) convictions can exist in the same mind. Like I know Saunders is too smart to actually see the world that way? But like in emphasizing the absence of ideological overlap he sort of elides the reality of

that part (Two Americas) of the Saunders piece really struck me as...rushed? Undercooked? He’s better than that. Also that part where he grabs a black woman’s arm and explains her own values to her....a little cringe.

The police didn’t establish that before they killed him, though.


Also there were no runway models and every woman was Rich Cohen's girlfriend.

“She’s beautiful, but in a way only I could understand and appreciate.”

A meta-treatment of basically every sentence in this thing, as far as I can tell, would be this: