fuck you this was so good that im mad now
fuck you this was so good that im mad now
Imaginary U?
Wreck ‘em, Gretch.
Thank you!
I was a shithead today and fucked up on a deadline but instead of crying I did some push ups and made tea and pet my cat and it isn’t the end of the world. That is my brag, and I feel pretty good about it tbh.
This guy’s syntax is soooooo Trumpy.
Also I sort of feel like she’s the only bachelor/ette who repeatedly makes out with guys she’s clearly not into? Like as an exit when the convo gets awkward?
She needs more....something. Like her whole personality is laughing charismatically and nodding while listening.
Tay on a beach with a skinny brit is maybe my favorite Tay.
Fucking hell.
Yeah like I really would not be opposed to a group that was committed to a kind of “radically” humane platform; like that cultural voice is something we need I think.
They are very efficient at making generally important / meaningful things (animal rights and welfare) seem completely stupid and ridiculous.
I just still can’t wrap my head around the fact that this is what it’s like to receive a legal, medically necessary procedure.
Uh we saw the hound’s ween when he was peeing pls correct article to include peein’ ween.
Addendum: thank god.
bahahaha omg.
No trophy animals....leads to no “trophy wives”....? And then no “everybody gets a trophy culture?” and then millennials get jobs? and are mobilized to vote? So this is ALSO empowering our economy, and ushering the political revolution too? natch.
But seriously—like, conservation / protection of vulnerable animal…
It’s baffling to me as well. But in certain ways its a fundamentally natural result of subscribing to the idea that “boys will be boys.” Which, shit like this makes clear to us, victimizes boys, too.
Because boys are supposed to be sexually hungry, because lots of sex, as early as possible, is manly and good, because women are too subservient / psychologically simple to be dangerous predators.