Reluctantly though b/c he’s a true gentleman.
ew that’s a good point
Yeah like the more we can get away from structuring our days around the relative conformity of people’s bodies to a weird set of socially constructed but relentlessly naturalized standards the better. Like I make myself feel better by trying to tune into how fucking bizzare it is that we live in a world where your…
also known as the #1 self-parody account on Twitter
and foremost provider of “wait wtf” and also “how is she even a thing”and “am I literally in a fugue state rn?” moments.
Holy shit thank you for this important work I'm dead from laughing
Trump is an intellectual brick wall and will stick to his dumb racist false story regardless. I propose we respond by laighing some more at this:…
Yeah I think you're probably right. And it sucks THAT joke got pulled out of context for the trailer...although that kind of dumb is pretty typical of mainstream Hollywood I guess.
Hopefully the joke works like that in context—but like when its excerpted in the trailer it doesn’t quite come through that way (at least as I see it).
Hahaha—That scene. I mean on the one hand yeah you’re right, they’re like a transcendent level of idiot. But re: trans / sex / gender issues so is Hollywood (a lot of the time). I just hope the joke works better in context than it does in the trailer.
There were plenty of people who weren’t okay with it and thought it was a missed opportunity to elevate the voice of an actual trans actor. But yeah, overall it was a movie that tried its best to be empathetic...which doesn’t seem to be the case here.
The joke is about how you can’t tell if All has a penis or vagina. Like the alien stuff is at play, I agree, but like the “hot dog or bun?” thing is blatantly “about” trans / nonbinary people.
the only out the movie could possibly have here is if in a larger context the joke is about Derek and Hansel’s out-of-touch…
My vagina literally knocks me out with a 1-2 punch anytime I get near a computer / radio dial. So.
lol never apologize I'm stealing that
I'm late to this so this may get buried but I got an IUD yesterday and I'm feeling liberated as fuck
Omg! As of a few weeks ago, when I heard about babyccincos from my Australian friend, I make babyccinos at home by frothing stove-warmed milk all the time. And I put it in a fancy cup and put rainbow sprinkles on the top (recommended) and say “babyccino” over and over because I find it hilarious.
Right? Like one of those seagulls that’s in a Kmart parking lot 150 miles inland trying to eat a blob of dried paint off the asphalt and you’re just like “ew it’s so close to my car ew.”
Whom does this guy think he is. I’ll tell you whom: he thinks he’s one of those heroes whom saves America (whom, he would like to remind you, is the greatest country on earth) with his righteous Facebook posts but really he’s just demonizing people whom are different as if that’s revolutionary or new or brave or…