Tejón Face

Doctors and medical researchers are like “we think this is right but also who the fuck knows” w/r/t this stuff.

But it turns out “I have a twitter” qualifies you as an authority on prenatal care even more than an MD / PhD does.

do the moderators even know that the candidates have other classes? Geez.

Rational person: this movie failed because it was a shitty white savior narrative.

It’s a heated towel rack I think which is v relevant and an development that needs to be addressed by the author

Wait though see that little switch thingy that’s a #heatedtowelrack.

Oh my god

I'm trying so hard with her but this makes me fucking sick.

Well stress and anxiety burns calories. Try being passive aggressive at your labia. If that doesn’t work, bringing up all of its family / work obligations just before it goes to bed. or you could yell at your labia in a crowded restaurant. Get creative!

Hum I think the problem is that he’s not taking youth seriously enough!

Behaving As Any Child Would in a Violent and Confusing Situation?

Children engaging in Bad Listening is the number one threat to our great nation haven’t you heard?

Yeah. That’s exactly what the cop should do. Like fucking exactly.

Dude have you ever met / been an actual teenager.

Holy mother of fuck these are KIDS not enemy combatants. A stern lecture about “respect” in any of these cases would have fucking sufficed.

What’s so insidious about predatory grooming like this is that it makes you feel in your gut like a “victim of delusion” even when you know in your head you were a victim of deception.

Yeah exactly this. Considering gender essentialism was one of the most important targets of the second wave......what the fuck is she even thinking.

Yeah you can’t forget big and hairy if your vagina was merely smelly you totes wouldn’t be a woman at all.

My point was about your cruel language.

Hey you’re right—your invocation of dimply saggy “lunch ladies” as undesirable was actually super compassionate and progressive and didn’t contain a whiff of condescension or insult!!!

That’s my favorite thing, when guys who are like “people who don’t like these naked lady pics are just ASHAMED of their own bodies!!!!!!!”