
I am quite shocked when my assistant read this comment to me.

Now playing

This reminds me of possibly my favorite Youtube video of all time, featuring the guy who built a Minecraft device that cannot fulfill its task until after the end of the actual universe.

This is the quality content I want to see.

I was stuck on him for a couple of days too. If you’re still stuck on him, I can give you some specific advice which might help:

I don’t know if this is obvious or not. I also am having trouble with him. But you can hold down block and then parry just the red attacks while holding block down. 

Be as aggressive as possible with his first form and you’ll have him done in a few seconds. In his second form you have to parry his long sweeping attack to break the red shit off his arm. Once you do that a few times you have to pay attention to the onscreen prompts. It tells you that you need to push two buttons at

I’ve always felt that third-person can’t ever really truly capture the sense of scale the way that first-person can. Yes, you can see your own character, and that makes it worth it for that alone. But there is a genuine tradeoff. They take up so much of the frame, and the camera often zooms so much further out, that

What actually bothers me more about it than it being a looter-shooter (albeit I AM bothered by that because of the history these types of games has) is that it looks like all four characters practically play the same.

They tried to state how they were different but in the end all it looked like was watching four

I told [the officer] everything

Definitely not a labor shortage...it’s a wage problem. For a very long time artists have been paid peanuts and affordability has exploded everywhere. The sad thing is it comes at a time where this AI “artistry” is coming up so what does a company do instead of raising wages...
We’re truly in a crossing point in our

Great, more phishing schemes to look out for.

The issue isn’t the size, its that what makes up that size is boring, repetitive, and tedious. I haven’t played Valhalla, but in Odyssey the desire to explore died for me very early, because there was never anything interesting to find. Its just icon chasing.

That is an incredibly invalid analogy. Artists share tips, techniques, tutorials and digital brushes all the time to help each other out. It doesn’t take more than 10 seconds of googling to confirm this.

Take it from someone who was in the service. Don’t do it. They destroy children and throw them away. 40% of the US homeless population is veterans while veterans only account for 7% of the adult population. Wake up. There is nothing honorable in war. It is a depressing bloody mess that will ruin you for the rest of

Yeah it is a necessary evil, I know its cool for the younger gen to shit on the armed forces but we need people will to do it and old guys like me are not up to the task. I don’t agree how they are going about reaching out to the younger gen but I know that they have to try something.

Just that header photo pisses me off.

As a historian of ancient Rome, it really annoys me how far-right shitheads have tried to turn the entire Latin language into a dog whistle.

The funny part here is you assuming that the online connectivity of the world in an MMO is:

He should join Congress, then doing that would be perfectly ok.