
Looking forward to the Cosplay.

The entitlement of consumers, in all fields, is galling.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t speak up when wronged, but have a little respect for the other person in the conversation. Be as professional as you expect them to be dammit.

The customer isn’t always right, etc.

Like, I get it, professionalism for its own sake has value and you don’t want to turn away customers. But I feel like the capital “G” gamers harassing the devs aren’t really owed niceties and decorum like that, and it’s just that general air of entitled consumerism that makes us

Devs didnt lie or say anything wrong.

After 10 hours with the beta ive got to say its very fun.  It wasnt on my radar but i will be getting it next week.

Not only are they willing to put out poor quality art just to save a few pennies, but they won’t even take the ten minutes or so to review the results before posting them. Their stupidity would be hilarious if they weren’t the ones steering the ship.

Spoken as someone who does not understand art or technology.

That is in no way a fitting punishment for the crime of “hacking” companies that should already have had better systems in place. Does he not have any family, is house arrest not an option? 

Doing actual art like paintings/drawings should be fine. But if people want to be nude and offer sexual content then just do that on a camgirl site like Chaturbate or something. Nobody wants that filth on a gaming site.

Wait, so now you’re telling me that the “volunteers” who worked on this in exchange for a Steam code for a game that’s going to remain in a barren alpha state for the what, like, two months that the servers stay up before disappearing forever weren’t fairly compensated for their labor??? Outrageous!!!

Articles and attention like this are the reason scams like this bring success to the scammers. Every person on Earth who has followed this game knew it was a disaster. Yet a few hours after release and Steam already has 4,000 verified purchases of folks who have taken the time to write a (negative) review.

This is the company that copyright strikes your YouTube videos if you show a clip from a promo trailer, is actively shutting down Smash Bros. tournaments, and issues cease and desist orders to fan games. They are so out of touch, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have no idea anything’s changed over at Twitter since

Should Nintendo also have an opinion on Israel/Palestine?

The first time I learned that people make videogames in japan I was very suprised. Almost all my games where from UK, Germany, Spain and USA.

The NES was barely a thing in the UK.*

Don’t forget they also made Disney Speedstorm which is probably helping them make lots of money back, too. Or maybe it’s not.  Maybe they’re disappointed in how much money it has made since its free to play launch and that’s why they reversed course on Dreamlight Valley?

with some praising the decision to avoid the messiness that is often standard with F2P microtransactions”

I feel like a solid 2 months of playing any game exclusively would get you burnt out...

No, it’s because it looks like shit.

How are your NFTs doing?