
Oh look, some trash. 

Came here to say exactly this. When I read Snoop Dogg AI I don’t expect something that looks as interactive as the Doom face over some text

Raising the quality of posts. I salute you.

This is all perfectly normal behavior...

So, Unity bosses sold a bunch of stock just before this announcement. Isn’t that, like... really super illegal? Like, the kind that gets the SEC involved? The kind of investigation that Elon Musk decided he’d rather burn 40 billion dollars in a trash fire rather than deal with?

“Fun,” thought about, “unique installs.” No matter how good their tech is, spinning up VMs will look like multiple unique installs.

Considering how reluctant they are to share information about their “proprietary software,” I wouldn’t be surprised if you are right about that. 

Gut instinct? They don’t plan to distinguish, nor do they care. Based on what they’ve said theres no way for them to determine that at all. It’ll just be tons of meaningless data. They’ll say they’re filtering those things out but they won’t, because they don’t really have to. They’ll make any appeals process

Unity is charging by the game install, and also the one counting them with basically no accountability by the people who have to pay? Yikes. The moral hazard and perverse incentives of that situation are pretty huge.

Unity has very much forgotten that they built their success off being a cheaper more accessible alternative to big engines like Unreal. After pushing their competition to up their game in this regard it seems insane that they'd undermine themselves in this fashion.

Line Must Always Go Up.

The smart thing would be for them to say that this policy will only go into effect for projects started after the January 1st, rather than including ones being developed currently. But that would be the smart thing, so they won’t do that. We alredy know they are bad at doing the smart thing because they’re doing this.

Yup, there’s no reasonable way to predict how much this could cost the dev and could easily outrun their profit over time. I'm a customer with a desktop, steam deck, laptop, and family sharing with two kids, that’s a lot of potential installs from a single purchase.

At this point no reasonable CTO or small game dev will choose Unity. Even if they roll this change back, the damage is done. The risk is far too high to start a new project that will take years to complete for Unity to suddenly do a rug pull on your project.

How interesting that the CEO also just sold a bunch of his shares in Unity this weekend... I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

Would you like to know more?

THIS. It’s really frustrating that I just hate them all almost equally and don’t really ‘belong’ anywhere among these 1,000 planets. It’s not a lot of fun to unquestioningly emulate the gross tendencies of the ruling class that already ruins our actual lives.

It makes me feel pretty gross about the upper

I am way less annoyed by FFXVI becoming an action game than I am about so many people asserting that Final Fantasy games have always been about reinvention. Maybe that’s true in terms of setting & narrative (and I would argue you’d have to really stretch the idea of what narrative “reinvention” means in an anthology

The only bombshell I see here is that Fallout 76 is apparently hitting 10 million monthly users. Whaaa?

Dude this comment is more important than the article...