
Musk is the dumpster fire of dumpster fires, he’s a massive pyramid of dumpster fires, each one of them representing millions of dollars, now all on fire.  He’s sold so much Tesla stock that company is sure to take a hit as well.  That’s what happens when you confuse buying your way into founders positions with

While still disappointing, I don’t find it very surprising that a developer from a country in which 98% of the population share the same ethnicity and culture struggles to grasp the depht and importance of representation issues.

“None of us are that stupid.””

oooh, slow down there for a moment, hon.

I really just hope for the worst for every single one of those parents being shitty to this kid. Just utter trash people acting like utter trash.


A conservative-identifying parent

The best part is that in the end, it’s probably a win for us either way - we’ll likely get a cool VR world thing (but probably not made by Meta, someone else will sweep in and do it properly) and with any luck we get to see the demise of easily the most morally bankrupt bottom-feeder software megacorp as it’s burned

I had to explain that you cannot compare and equate how the AI is doing it to an artist taking inspiration on the work of others, because these AIs (particular case of Dall-E, but many others operate in the very same way) are being trained with huge datasets that contains a whole ton of material which authors

The guys that claim AI generated images as their own work are clearly commiting copyright infrigement and we should shun those, but I don’t think we should have a hate boner for AIs in general just because of them. 

The way I see it, this is like hating knives because someone got stabbed with it instead of hating the

But there’s something especially funny about this in particular”

It is really funny to me how people conflate “Meta”, the company name, with “metaverse”, a generic term used for all sorts of things, often in web3, so as web3 crashes and burns it drags meta through the mud even harder.

I don’t understand why people don’t want to work while looking at poorly rendered furniture and getting nauseous every time they move their head a fraction of an inch??

Honestly, it’s probably a combo of both.

I can accept both possibilities, unfortunately. Thing is to consider:

The developer is new to game design and unreal so they may not have the know how to lock the game down

G2 Esports now faces a huge loss, all because its boss insisted on “partying with whoever the fuck I want.”

Anyone careening in to defend the guy is going to have to grapple with the reality that Riot Games can also party with whoever the fuck they want.

Deplatforming works

It’s a shame so many innocent people are affected, but powerful shitheads suffering consequences doesn’t happen enough.

I’m surprised they’re still having a single player mode at all, after having absolutely zero additional content for the single player in GTA5 after 9 years

“Unpopular opinon” = “clichéd, pathetic and evil conservative opinion?” Yeah, it checks out. GET KILLED.