
I replied to the people in this tread directly with facts but they dismissed them in true 2020 fasion because the facts don’t match with there reality.


Personally as a traditional illustrator and painter, ive only seen potential in my use of Dall-e, lots of rough layouts and concepts can be input to get some base design. So popping out some weird anime-style pikachu final fantasy looking design like this, gives me ideas i could build off and make it my own. These are

I guess I have two things to say here, the first is that moving to a post scarcity society requires eliminating scarcity, a big part of which is labor. This is not just unsurprising, it’s a fundamental part of transitioning to a different economy. If anything, I think people may be more surprised by which jobs are

I understand why they would be upset about it and it does suck if it’s forcing artists out of positions... but it’s also kinda great for creators too, right? Like it might allow someone who can design characters but not backgrounds to create more interesting scenes if they have the AI generate their background. And

I’ll watch anything with Claudia Black, all the more so if it’s in a spaceship but oof, that trailer doesn’t fill me with much confidence xD

The original star wars films should be in the canadian public domain now but Disney manipulated my government.

The teens are just fun in the way that anime typically excels at.”

No, we’re not entering the year of the Linux desktop (yet).

I mean, you may be right, but then I did thoroughly enjoy Jurassic Park: Trespasser, back in the day.

The word you’re looking for is “hoax”. They’re getting blowback for pulling off a hoax as a marketing campaign for their mod skills, I guess?

I think people just want to do their own thing in private, which is really only their business. That’s the whole point behind a private server. They are the administrators of their server, and they make the rules. It’s not like they’re doing it in public.

Well yeah - but it’s a private server. This is like putting a mic in everyone’s home to catch harassment. Yes, it’ll catch some bad folks, but the price is everyone gets to live in a police state. And you just know someone is going to report you every time you have sex.

I can’t speak for all Japanese, but my experience visiting Japan with a Caucasian, blonde wife (I’m descended from Japanese) was that they were just happy to share their culture with us. And I’m not even talking tourist traps, but just regular businesses.

“cultural appropriation” is limited to America.... Go to Japan and wear a traditional kimono as Caucasian, and the Japanese will celebrate sharing their culture with you. Wear on in America as a Caucasian and all of a sudden you’re racist, even though not a single Japanese national would be offended...

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

That’s some “Last of Us Part-One” graphics upgrade. It looks like the old version with Reshade installed.

This is going to be interesting. Some stupid ass blockchain/NFT products such as NFT Worlds are built on top of Minecraft. I hope Microsoft/Mojang go after their asses and shut them down.

In related news, Riccitiello’s young son said that claims about cookie theft are “bullshit” and that the jar his hand was in was a coffee jar that had been repurposed to hold cookies. “If you understand the context,” the younger Riccitiello said after wiping away crumbs, “it’s clear that I was not caught with my hand

Incredibly based. Fuck crypto.

Man, I loved Save the World.  Still bitter that it never went F2P.  They choked that game to death by being the worst of both worlds -- full retail and full F2p Microtransactions.