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    The thing is ... having a army is a neccesary evil. You need armed guys to defend unarmed guys against other armed guys. The guys in the wall.

    ¿Why is Harambee attacking the small italian guy?

    @Semudara actually overworked devs write worse code and make more mistakes, so are objetivelly worse devs. To call them that is correct.
    As to why this is this bad, might be they ate too much. Too much ambition, not enough time to pull it and polish it.  The released a fun and cool game, but with really bad technicals.

    I believe this is a effect of rushed development with a shoestring budget.
    The game will sell millions, so the profit will be massive.
    People is going to buy this game despite this problems.

    Imagine if the Emperor took control of the republic, but really funny.

    Outside of USA, people don’t care about race has much.

    And game companies often lost the source code and the licenses required to continue distributing the game (because music licenses and so on)

    Capitalism, please don’t abandon us. We see the signs, mayor corporations with records profits raising prices to ridiculous high values. Salaries stagnant.

    Thats a lot of people playing Counter Strike

    Thanks for the great post, mister Bart.

    You are wrong and are spreading missinformation and hate.

    The thing with NMS economy is that these factories by themselves have not cost. They get their energy from the enviroment. You are not paying taxes or maintenance. So if they produce 2000 credits/hour instead of 2 million credits/hours, you still make a profit. Is not like in the real world where you can be working,

    Stuff like this is why I stopped playing Overwatch 1.

    Who cares about these 10 billion dollars? big corporations have more money than that in pocket change in fiscal paradises where they pay no taxes.

    Maybe wait a bit until they fix the bugs of the new patch? 

    Hope this lade gets well soon and suffer no sequels.  The back of the body is some area that can hurt for many many years, is a bad place to get hurt :( 

    I never believe game companies when they claim external attacks the release day.  It looks to me more like they did not scaled correctly the required hardware to allow everything to run correctly.  Anyway theres more than enough reasons to attack Blizzard,  they just killed yesterday Overwatch 1, and they did it for

    You can’t play Overwatch 1 either.  

    this looks both low effor and high effort, I am confused. Wellcome to game design clickbait person, I guess.

    I had a peculiar feeling with this video. Has if the design of the monsters and in general the design of everything was kite good, but then everything was saturated with details at the cost of the good parts of the design, then a few bad effects where added. So the result is some weird mix of bad and good.