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    Inviting a know incel ideologist to a official party of a organization. This give platform to this person to reach more kids and radicalize them against womens.

    Grinding can be good or bad, and I think Destiny 2 has too much of the bad type of grinding. Maybe is subjetive. I am not game designer, I don’t know the right formula. I have played games with the right formula and had fun and Destiny 2 put me off.

    How can a console with a high end GPU cost 400 and a standandalone high end GPU cost 1300. It looks to me like GPU makers are ripping PC gamers trying to get PC gamers to pay the cost miners use to paid.  And miners paid that money because they where making money from the cards, these GPU’s are not worth has much for

    Do you apply this hard truth to the CEO too?

    Something horrible of the game is that you had to bring your own resources and build defenses with your own resources. And 90% of the population where freeriders that would do the bare minimal. So it was a broken game where people that wanted to play the game where exploited by a mayority that did not. We still love

    So the idea is to create virtual scarcity, then have real people be second level citizen to rich people. The poor doing repetitive boring task. So rich people in real world money can do the fun tasks.

    I am modder ...I make nice mods people can download and play to have fun with his game in new different ways, and every time somebody use “mod” for synonim of cheating, I die a tiny bit. I wonder how that use started, is horrible.

    The horrible alternative to finding monsters in space is the more likelihood we find us alone in this planet in a universe that is so big is scary, and we are limited to move at ridiculous slow speeds trough it.  Humans may extinct  withouth having a human eye land their feet in a planet in other solar system.

    Is a cool tool and people will find cool uses for it.

    Heart itself is basically a pump. You can (and we do) replace hearths by artificial ones. People that mystifice humans by giving human properties that machines don’t have should find a better organ than hearth for their bad faith arguments.

    Or maybe more creativity be created.  Just by machines. 

    I would not say imperfect. Midjourney / Dalle 2 paint much much better than I do. Like a calculator does math better than me. Or a chess / go videogame will beat me to pulp.

    Food is a solved problem. We can produce enough food to feed everyone. Wealth distribution is not a solved problem.

    This is a disagrement with a easy solution. Just train these AI’s with images that allow that give permission to that.
    Anyway I think both sides have reasonable arguments.

    Is too bad they had to delete a lot of animations and all traces everywhere these animations ever existed to make space for this.

    If only somebody has warned them that crypto is a scam... 

    Sounds like we have to change the laws to 20 years after the death of the author and remove all these bullshit laws.

    How long until LOTR is public domain?, I think is 70 years after the death of the author... so *makes some math*. ... 3 years and it will be free for everyone to use?.. oh shit, my math is wrong, Tolkien died in 1973, so will not enter public domain until 2043.

    Good work Cheello, your work is magical :D

    They are good people, but is true that are young. If thats a deal breaker for you. Feel bad for you.