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    Somebody save LexW. Maybe I can give him my copy of the game or we can find a familiar member and have that person visit him and change his opinion.

    It depends. If the person copied have friends and influence or not. Probably the original author of the dog had enough influence to make himself hear. Many people would not.  Sorry if this is not what you want to heard. 

    Wildlands is the fun open world ghost recon, with hilarious mercenary banter, incredible variable, detailed and pretty world, and cool combat. Maybe you are thinking Breakpoint, that seems made by a committee to be has standard and boring has possible and seems created by a algorithm and not humans.

    This is interesting and Microsoft is in the wrong.

    maybe is a small upgrade from discord, if only because discord is absolutelly opaque, but I rarelly find information in reddit,  when I found something is a link but very rarelly more than that

    yea, but I was talking about why reddit is bad

    I think you have missread the “with lot of users” part. If I create a subreddit, it will be empty, with 1 person.

    you only get a subreddit with lots of uses when you “already made it”, so reddit reinforce the haves and haves not culture.

    Not all games are “gamey”. You have titles like the walking simulator, that are not gamey. Many genres hide his ties to the genre to give a more seamless experience. They are RPG’s, or Point and Click games, but they if they are about a space police, you feel like a cop, they inmerse you in the experience. Where too

    Good news :D

    Reddit is a uncomplete answers. Reddit likes only 2 or 3 things: hype / hate / nostalgia and memes. Any other content may get removed or ignored. Many indie devs have problems posting on reddit because their post get blocked or infringe self-promotion posts (because are err...  self-promotion.  I guess when Disney


    This country? I trough Kotaku was some guy that live in Japan blog. Forgot the name, did not see him posting gamer cakes in a while.

    The best thing is seeing the “Don’t compare everything to Dark Souls” agonize about this. 

    Maybe thats what Unity needs, malware.

    Why you should cancel Jordan Petterson:

    Imagine a town that is happy, modern and safe. But we give 300 million dollars to a greedy person. This person goes around buying buildings in the residential area. Then raise the prices of rent x10. Wow, this person now makes 300 million every month. And uses that money to buy everyone buildings and rent them at a

    Some criminals are lazy people that have chose the criminal life because is easy. But crime increase under bad economy not because makes people more lazy, but because it force people to it. So some of the people Batman punch hare not criminal because personal choice, they where push by the economy, in part caused by

    Don’t call it Web version if is not a hipertext of html documents. Go and find your own names, Cryptofrauds.

    Is always good to have different engines with different approachs and different monetization models.