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    Hot Potato Rules: The potato cost 400 dollars. If you have the potato, you can sell the potato to somebody for 400 dollars. That person can sell the hot potato to other person for 400 dollars. The game is on a clock, once the time ends the player that have the potato and paid 400 dollars lose the game

    I think I know what they should focus about, but I doubt anyone will read this or agree.  I think they have to focus on making Overwatch a enviroment where people is happy and nice to each other.  I don’t know how to do that, and doing it wrong may be worse than doing nothing, but is the right direction. Build a nice

    Money invested in experiments is not wasted. Every experiment create a new universe. Theres just now a universe with a RPG version of Quake, and a universe where people play Sarah Kerrigan VR dating simulators.  You just live in the bland universe where these where not has succesful experiments.  

    You are right, sorry, I men Xenoblade X.

    Never player the original Xenoblade and have no interest.

    I do not believe in magic. With computer graphics you have to choose two:  fidelity, speed, flexibility.  videogames do fidelity and speed most of the time. 

    That the enviroment will look outdated by a few generations will stop adoption. People will quickly learn that metaverse = horrible dated graphics. 

    We will see. Probably, maybe, I hope.

    the idea of metaverse is dumb, Zuck is surrounded by yesmen that are not telling him that.

    I share the sentiment of the video. I am hoping for the best. 

    Maybe I am wrong, but I was expecting a more controled experience where the game developers would deliver better moment to moment quality. Instead it looks like L4D or one of these horde games with sandbox qualities that use real world scenarios... where is the art direction? I expected a great game, it looks like a

    I don’t know who need to hear this, but “open world” and “sandbox” are not interchangeable. You can have a sandbox in a small room (maybe a room where you build devices). You can have a open world that is basically linear (like the Mafia or GTA games where each mission comes after the next, can’t be skipped or altered)

    I am ready to be surprised, but the hopes are not high. 

    The one thing that make Morrowind awesome to me is that you can break the game with alchemy/enchanting. Sadly, I think modern game devs would nerf the hell of it. “No you can’t magically be able to jump a mountain!”. Is the drama of modern adventure games made by people from a office. Their idea of adventure is

    Another explorer limited by the morality of their era.

    ooops, sorry

    Neoliberalism is a religion. This is the post.

    Every time they use “web2" or “web3" I get more angry. The web is HIPERTEXT, http is a hipertext protocol. If you are not doing a hipertext, don’t call it web, call it something else, you criptoclowns.

    I think these games are more convenient for that form factor. Like other game you mis here may be more optimal for either desktop useage, or some bigger machine.

    I personally like when Obama did that “Thanks Obama” joke. It was fun.