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    It was a fun joke. And now somebody is going to waste their time or their money. Can’t jokes just be... jokes? 

    This will never stop being funny :D

    Looks like “limbo” the realm where some souls go after death, that is not quite like hell, but not heavens either.  A place of eternal solitude where you only have yourself has company.   Strangelly the music contribute to that, is a music that sounds like silence even more than silence. 

    Is a very addicting game. It has this “one more hour” (one more night?) pull where hours just pass while you are trying to kill some boss or build some stuff. This not counting the whole coop/pvp thing.

    NMS is just great :D

    I do too friend. But we can watch it again. Then double it, then double it again, and what we get to watch? the end, the end of everything :D

    Has anyone made the joke already?,  If somebody buy EA then he will find that to have the complete company they have to buy a lot of small parts,  sort of DLC’s. 

    1) Steal under pants

    When you compare FF14 to others mmos o gass, you notice some features that exists in FF14 that not in others.

    Good. FF14 is a game that protect his players and cultivate good behavior, good manners and chill attitude. Things like a DPS counter to point to the member of a raid that is not doing enough dps would destroy that like a torpedo hitting a ship. You can optimize the fun out of a game. You can pick a game and automate

    I can critice this guy for everything, but Play Whatever Way You Want. Have fun mr. Elon.

    So a con artist and a nazi. Argh.

    Some of my most happy hours in my life happened hanging in the Something Awnful forums in the Overwatch memes thread. It was a fountain of memes and jokes and good vibes with a bunch of cool people. I will never forget that, love these people to bits. And their mad shipping industry. Everyonese gays.

    For sure, they seems amazing!

    Is interesting how the use of drugs is so frontal to this and the figure of Elon Musk. I guess the PR aim of both aim at the same group of people.

    thanks pkmnfik 

    A honest trivial mistake. Not important and acting like is important is feels wrong to me.

    Oh thanks, I trough that was for the main story

    Proton requires Vulkan?

    Blockchain is a stupid algorithm for people to fixate. Is not even a very usefull algorithm.  Maybe people should fixate on something else, like Anti-Alias algorithms.