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    I hope we get something like photon on mac. I want to play simple windows games in mac. (withouth a windows install)

    I do not like this. Sacrifice gives meaning. If we can undo sacrifice, it become less meaningfull. He died and has a good dead. Maybe if they revive him his next dead is less good

    Thanks, that still ambigious,  you can born in japan and be westerner. 

    You can still host a Quake server.  A listen quake server in a dedicated server for 16 players.  You can do this too with Quake 2 and Quake 3.  This is because you can download and use on your computer the dedicated server component of these games.   This was also true for other games, but a few years ago publishers

    Is the lady supposed to be asian?. Looks somewhat generic in a “made with the unreal engine” kind of way.

    The logic here is ...  why force Apple to host stuff that is not producing some type of profit for Apple?  that would be unfair.  And for the same reason,  Apple should not have the privilege to be the only shop for apps in iPhone and iPads. Don’t force Apple to preserve these apps, but allow others to offer these

    The logic here is ...  why force Apple to host stuff that is not producing some type of profit for Apple?  that would be unfair.  And for the same reason,  Apple should not have the privilege to be the only shop for apps in iPhone and iPads. Don’t force Apple to preserve these apps, but allow others to offer these

    39, Vampire in the Garden, looks like could be fun. Is not a novel idea, we have already seen animes where the vampires took over and are in perpetual war with humans, using a galaxy transport plane when neccesary, but could be a fun anime in a “fantasy + war stories” kind of way, with a bit of supernatural + drama

    Is a delicate balance. When players have fun with a weapon, balancing it lowers fun. But if they found other weapons that are fun, the fun go up.

    I don’t discuss definitions. But here AA+1/2A made sense for Ubisoft.

    Underrated comment.

    The problem of Ubisoft is that they are not really triple A. They are AA+1/2A.

    Just have fun exploring and doing stuff on your own style :D

    Is this a normal thing in USA?

    Thanks for the answer. Thats pretty epic and fun! 

    I apologize. I don’t understand your post.

    Is interesting that difficulty in Elden Ring is relative. Some people has murdered Malenia that had a tough time with other bosses. So much of malenia fight seems to be around avoiding damage... but she don’t really have a huge life bar. Is a good boss fight.

    I have no interest in wow, but the story in the cinematic is interesting. I want to know why the golem people is friendly with the dragons. Who made he golem people? Why they need that beam?

    I got the healer, is useless. *sadface*