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    The governement in shangai is chaotic. They failed to warn people in advance, properly feed people and in some cases resorted to murder people pets. Some people has been weeks withouth food, that put people beyond the point of break.   It seems wuhan lockdown was much better handled. 

    Like all pyramid schemes,  they sorta works for the people until they stop growing, then collapse on itself and the people with assets but not money end losing a lot of money. 

    I have no paid attention to the shipping industry of overwatch meis meis.  Is this lady lesbian?  what are the current shippings for her?

    Something else that happened at the same time is that they have made the combat more involving (and fun) and weirdly with a easy mode thing builtin.  I am having more fun with the combat now ...but yea, is way too much. 

    Is okay, is not for you.

    Where is the like button for articles? 

    I am sure if where able to read the source code of ER we would find may parts in the physic code where exceptions are made to the simulation to favor the player. Stuff like making the player slighly slower when is walking towards a pitfall, or jump higuer when jumping to some conditions, or turning some hits into

    Is not this how Japan started?, copying western products, but making them better and smaller. Japan did not had raw materials, so making the electronics smaller made a lot of sense.

    Go China!, show us what china can create. Show us awesome games made in china :D

    Thats horrible. It would fit Disney. 

    Unfortunally, theres always a war somewhere in the world. Us gamers, we chill playing virtual representations of wars, even when we love peace. I have seen photos of people playing Counter-Strike, while from the window next to the computer a real war was happening. Videogames help people in warzones too, to retain

    Seems good news if you are headhunter.

    I often think about the No one is free until we are all free.”.

    I remember when Sony has a company was a generator of information, with news and articles, public feedback. They attended E3. All the cool stuff.

    I actually like the E3, even a bad E3.  But oh well.  E3 getting cancelled is part of the routine, it will be back in a year or two. 

    If you pay attention to the first video, you will saw a woman hitting the ring, then it will replaced by a male figure. The female is Marika, the male Radagan. Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers.
    You may search for story spoilers videos on youtube, the background is quite interesting :D 

    The game seems optimized for intense. On normal is too easy. I fear what it would look like in easy. This is a good call from Kotaku.

    Masterfull. If you pay attention to the first video, Marika merges into Radagon. One breaking the ring, the other trying to meld it. How incredible is to put the biggest spoiler of a franchise in the first 4 seconds of the thing people will see of it? Is invisible only because people has not be able to build a context

    Did not the PS4 already supported PS3 games? 

    I did this questline and did not think much of it... I trough destroying the means of production was a bad action, at least it don’t end with the revolutionaries being worse than the dictators, that is usually the take you get from USA products.