2 Fast 2 Spurious

He’s changed. Now he’s going after Donald Regan in order to impress George Foster.

“The humanity, bro! The humanity!”

But think of the epic disaster specials that will be produced after a lithium fire inevitably ignites in that extremely confined space. It’s going to be some bachelor party’s own personal Hindenburg.

My advice would be to not look at your 401k if you aren’t near retirement. Those of us who aren’t close should look at this as an opportunity to pad our 401ks at a discount. 

Impressive, but 99% of the carbon footprint is still going to be the AC costs for the garage in Dubai where it’s going to sit for the next 25 years.

I agree. “Truck guys” have a near-unrivaled degree of brand loyalty, and the offerings from GM and Ford seem to be pretty excellent. Why would they switch to a silicon valley startup with an edgelord founder who spends half his day talking about social media? Nothing about that resonates with the values of the kind of

Oh, no, I love paying $15 to get brand new games every week. I do that all the time.

We already do. They don’t pay road tax. They get huge government subsidies. If your tech needs THAT much encouragement, your tech sucks.

Well, there’s the Nissan Leaf, for environmentally-conscious frugal people, but I agree with you. We, the taxpayers, already paid for a big tax credit for EV buyers, the gas tax pays for road maintenance (or whatever the .gov diverts those funds too) but EV’ers don’t pay that, and now we have to give them free “fuel”

While the idea of providing free gas/diesel is ridiculous, the idea that we should use public funds to provide free BEV charging is pretty unfair. Let’s be real, the only people buying BEVs right now are relatively rich people who have a couple other ICE vehicles back home.

I mean, I downloaded it, played it for a short time, and then uninstalled it. I didn’t like it, but just don’t care about it enough to leave a review. I hope it fails :)

99% of people just inherit a lawn by moving into a house. Not sure what you want me to do. If I don’t cut it I’ll have a property of jungle and copperheads.

Be sure to set a lot of that money aside for lawyers, because doing that is illegal 

Beat me to it.  Not just the Bong, it’s the Dick Bong bridge. Ok.. Richard I. Bong memorial bridge.

The title is actively encouraging people to take the first hit for free and risk getting sucked in though. Like you see the problem but you’re still flippant about steering people into harm’s way. I understand where you’re coming from—I played the game and didn’t spend anything either. And if I wrote about games

Sorry, but how would you have done that? The Soviet Union collapsed, but Russia never surrendered to anyone. I doubt that even in their most weakened state they would have played along. 

Hasn’t stopped the USA from doing just that in the past. In fact, for us little people, it’s enshrined as “Civil Asset Forfeiture.” The compensation for Japanese internment victims was laughably small. So - send them $1. Done. Legal. 

Totally agreed. I haven’t been to a Gamestop in probably 15 or 20 years myself (I think I ordered off their site once or twice for exclusives, and regretted even that), for the exact same reason. You can absolutely tell that they’re not in the business of catering to gamers; that just happens to be the group they

Same. Draining oil isn’t that hard and it’s wholesome and carcinogenic in all the right ways. Getting under the vehicle every 5000 miles is a good idea always - at least if you encounter mud and salt often. That said, if someone has a bad back and wants to do this every other oil change - I can’t argue with that.