2 Fast 2 Spurious

I didn’t know they existed until 6 months ago.  I love mine.

Welcome to the Short Shift, a feature I do whenever I feel like it, where I list my Hot Takes based on TMS.

HBO and Showtime are only worth $5/month in my opinion. The rest of cable with commercials is not worth anything in my opinion.

Okay, this has nothing to do with anything, but I just remembered the time on the Letterman show when Calvert Deforest, aka Larry “Bud” Melman, dressed up as Roy Orbison with the wig and sunglasses and everything, and lip-synced an Orbison song.  He looked alarmingly like Roy in his later years. Funniest thing I’ve

But he is wrong. How you pay for it shouldn’t be the question we have to ask. There’s an easy answer: return to 1950's era taxing policies. You know, the ones that catapulted us to a superpower because it gave us the money to spend on infrastructure, human’s rights needs, and generally improving the world we live in.

Trump: “I’ll give you $900 less in taxes in 2018 in exchange for an increase of $400 over your pre-2018 levels every year for the rest of your life and a large permanent tax cut for the wealthiest among us.”

Gosh, MB, I hope you are joking. Mr. “I Got Senioritis and Did Nothing During the Election Run-Up to Prevent the Obvious Rise of Fascism in my Country and Now I Just Windsurf and Leave You Guys to Clean Up the Mess,” can Zarq right off as far as I’m concerned.

And Donald Trump managed to expand his own business and still have hundreds of millions to his name despite several failed companies.

If you want the restaurant to improve or learn from the mistake, you’re better off bringing it up to the staff so they can correct it and maybe try to salvage your meal.

1) You’ve made your point and shared your complaint with the restaurant owner, who is at least aware of your feedback.

No calling you a liar, but I have some serious doubts that someone smoking on the road a few car lengths away actually directly impacts you.  You can smell it driving down the road, with air circulation and the exhaust fumes, which lest be honest as WAY worse and in WAY higher concentrations, there is 0 chance your

It’s faster though, which enables it to get out of my sight more quickly!

They’ve had them at Best Buy locations (none anywhere near me though) since before launch. I don’t think they got much use though because a lot of people don’t like the idea of putting on a headset that god knows how many other people have shoved their sweaty faces in.

Whats the conversion rate for PC?

Hot take: The roommate’s reaction to the pun guy was 100% warranted. 

If I had to lay odds, it’ll be Tegra X2-based (Xavier’s probably not on the table) with a larger 1080p “bezel-less” screen to maintain the form factor. Maybe they find room for some more battery.

So, a nice bump in off-dock power, a smaller bump in on-dock and nothing to lose sleep over if you already have one.

The first, they say, “will have enhanced features targeted at avid videogamers

Yeah I don’t use them because of that. It’s fine if others feel different (like Netflix and Spotify subscribers) but I won’t get in on this, I don’t want access to something I enjoy removed. Maybe those services are good for discovering content because you can sample a lot, but I buy what I enjoy so I can keep going