
thats exactly what lethal injection has been for decades, derp. 

ok... let me add a precursor to what I’m about to say...

well considering he looks like Senator Kelly during his transition period... I’d say he’s wet.

How could they not know that the floor had been done completely different while it was being redone for renovation?

they aren’t looking for mongoloids, bro. When they look for advanced alien life, they are looking for aliens that are more advanced than us... obviously. To suggest a more advanced alien race would not use or understand wireless transmissions or emit radio waves or other detectable energies is so dumb it hurts. They

obviously you are not a scientist...

at least when Harvey Weinstein had a pact with the girls of Old Town there was a balance in power... now their is just chaos everywhere. 

she easy on the eyes too, so certain to be a star

Movie opens with Leia in a 2 minute dialogue filled in by current characters and a sudden explosion from an attack... Abrams finds previously unusable footage of Fisher slowing blinking, slows it down and boom... she gone. Will be so expert. 

you seem to be under the impression that writing the screenplay for a movie about events that actually happened would forgive the Martha thing. The fact that this is justification to believe is terrifying...

Is King Kong coming out to play or what

not sure how, but this looks worse than Justice League and maybe worse than Suicide Squad

clever girl

the only OW heroes that are actually robots I'm this are Orisa, Bastion and Zenyatta. Very surprised to see Junk Rat in this

anyone who thinks they have a real memory before the age of 3 is just delusional.

the internet is broken if the picture of the tester on roller blades isn’t a worldwide phenomenon in the next week

willfully ignore the entire article or what?

what if Joaquin’s Joker is Ledger’s Joker’s father in the Bale Batman Universe and Liam Neeson is involved.. just sayin

i know Scott and he is the man and one of the most unique stories about creating a dream life. Kudos on the feature. 

No, her name is Martha.