
it is our most modestly priced receptacle 

it is our most modestly priced receptacle 

nobody gonna comment on the fact that the guy next to Gambino is about to dislocate his jaw from the insane amount of mdma running through his veins? I'm shocked he didn't interrupt Glover to try to have a personal conversation about all the emotions. He is lucky it's on video because with all the drugs he's on,

all healers can do damage, you nitwit.

here is the problem also... yes the CGI is awful, the body doesn’t move with the head properly, etc.. but the real problem is that most people would agree that Robin Williams’ performance was the most iconic and memorable of all Disney animated films and his ad-lib lines were what made the film what it was. No matter

considering what happened to the Saints, and now this... it’s not surprising to see why the country’s anatomical anus and urethra, combined, would be very sensitive to butthurts and spew out some vindictive strategery at any opportunity.

is there a purpose to your stupid haircut?

Ok, what you are describing is a failure... not a flop. I think most people understand or believe that a flop is a movie that did poorly in theaters either due to poor advertising or poor reviews. Movies that don’t get to the theater at all are just production failures, for a ton of reasons.

thousands of years?


Amazon broke a promise! Boycott Amazon! Kill the Time Child! We will feast on his entrails on our tummehs!

Ghost Rider

you are gonna have to clarify if either moist or soggy are favorable terms... I say no. 

LaVar was a plant by the Trumpsians to stoke fear into the conservative heart to get them to the polls. Prove me wrong .

no HS diploma means they can pay him less for longer. Though, he would last maybe 2 weeks at a training wage so the point might be irrelevant. 

this is not the best way to start off negotiations with the current owner... 

lenny, you know what the characters name is... you type it right there... so don't act stupid. Worst. Joke. Ever.

your correction note on the bottom has a typo lmfao

all these ideas, zero jaegers

pretty good way to gear up those limited edition Blu-ray / digital sales 

who will be the first asshole to name La Croix? who has the gumption!?

who will be the first asshole to name La Croix? who has the gumption!?