
this wasp just trying to live the life it was given... they didn't choose this life, this life chose them. And you are straight shitting on it. That's effed man

I’m just glad it was sarah mclachlan, though I’m confident her and Pink are tabbed for the soundtrack.

to be fair, 90% of players call Winston “monkey”, which isn’t even accurate... but very generic

wtf is a crank call?

excuse me.. it’s fap fap fap

he’s like a skinny version of the pest control alien from MIB

she is quite a gal! and just a wonderful woman as well.

terriboe, but... gotta admit that sending nudes to a UCF frat brother is probably not the most well thought out plan of all time...

when Natalie Portman invites you to her house, you tape down your junk...find the nearest X-Wing...and get your ass over there .

by the way he hit the window on the GotG ship, he didn’t appear to be frozen. Was more a floppy thud than a tink tink

sleep mediation is a bit too dystopian a concept for my taste.

lemme guess, you were born sometime after 1992

honestly it’s Halo CE or GTFO

thank you for posting this... it’s a great point and reality.

no thinking person could hate the Warthog, Tom. Now if you begin to feel an intense and crushing feeling of religious terror at the concept, don’t be alarmed. That indicates only that you are still sane.

This has got to be one of the worst takes on any subject I’ve ever read on Jalopnik or it’s affiliates. To trash such an iconic piece of video game history is baffling. The Warthog was engineered in the game to drive that way, their ability to control the driving Dynamics of the vehicle were capable of just about

open your eyes... look up to the skies and SEEEEEE!!!!

Didnt Sela Ward already make her debut in this week’s episode of Westworld? I mean, she was 100% in the episode... appears to be her debut.

your assertion that it’s less wasteful is unsubstantiated. Prove it.

“another” reason... besides price, can you name even one more reason not to buy precut fruit? Seems like you have a list.