
this was perhaps the best episode of the series, definitely of the season. Major plot twist combine with the mysticism and spirituality of an ancient culture, really ties together these epistemological questions to the world we know.

and by literally, she does not mean literally... nor figuratively.

im gonna guess you’ve never taken morphine...

you must be from Omaha

oh ffs, I’ll do it...

technically blowing out your brains with a pistol is the real no-brainer

the one thing you can’t buy with this school... a proper education in grammar.

so using conventional vs synthetic relies completely on the sophistication of your engine, and there is no mention as to how to determine if it’s necessary beyond guinea pigging your car... I’m giving 0% chance to a single manufacturer recommending a conventional oil or saying you don’t need synthetic. Some

he was in Last Stand and I believe X2

if you’re gonna compare a Valin Horn light saber, you compare it to every light saber ever made... that wasn’t made by Valin Horn.

see the kid knocks over the jenga set and the spaceship crashes into the side of a mountain... it’s symbolism. so deep

giant wave of fantastically erroneous customer service complaints to Fork Knife incoming in 3... 2...

except the article stated pretty clearly that we are dead nuts in the center of the of the time that this would not have an effect on our system... happens every 450K years... it’s been ~200K years since it happened last. That’s 200,000... for the layman, such as yourself.

correct me if I’m wrong, but super strength (via the serum) is sort of a prerequisite for any form of Cap. Unless they have Sam (Falcon) undergo the same procedure or similar... he wouldn’t fit as a Captain America. Bucky already has similar procedures and super strength so it makes a lot more sense.

My name is Lt. Aldo Raine and I’m putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Jewish-American soldiers. Now, y’all might’ve heard rumors about the armada happening soon. Well, we’ll be leaving a little earlier. We’re gonna be dropped into France, dressed as civilians. And once we’re in enemy

pretty provocative headline... and in reality it might be true, until it isn’t. While less frequent, a psycho is a psycho... even when female (see: Nasim Aghdam of recent Youtube shooting fame). Who knows how much affection Nasim was receiving in the bedroom... but she was certainly frustrated by the perceived

i see you’ve played knifey spooney before

where in dafuq is Gladiator Hulk from Ragnarok??!?!

how can “Colder Than A Bitch” be warmer than “Cold As A Bitch”?