
Ah, but you missed an angle here. Nello is the shitty, overpriced Italian restaurant that was in the news last month when their policy of not allowing women sit at the bar alone less she be mistaken for a prostitute was made public.

I think the fabric isn’t stretchy enough to go over her enormous implants AND fit her torso. It looks pretty stiff or heavy-weight. I think stretch is the only way to really fit a severely augmented body.

You #notallmen people are exhausting. Spend this energy holding other men accountable instead of talking about how good you are individually. 

Additional plaudits are available at @awardsforgoodboys on Insta my dude. Lots of gold medals 4 u. 

Send him to @awardsforgoodboys on Instagram 

Let me guess, all lives matter, yes? If it doesn’t apply to you, try and not center yourself because you’re not special or good enough to make up for the rest of y’all. Why is it that the same men who whine about “not all men” are the same men who would tell me to not go to someone’s apartment on a first date? You

If it’s not bitching about millennials being lazy, incompetent and pussies, it’s the flip side.  They are yuppies buying all the real estate flaunting their wealth and gasp! Going to bars and restaurants.  The horror! 

I think that makes it worse?

Really wish I could tag the “making men type paragraphs” facebook group on the “not all men” replies.

If the universal age of consent in the US were lowered to 15, men would truly be out there trying to get with high-school freshmen and see nothing wrong with it. 

I watched this movie yesterday and I’m really baffled by the hype. Sure, the music scenes are great, Rami Malek was good (but nomination-worthy?!?), and I appreciated the attention paid to Freddie Mercury’s love of cats...but the rest was meh. One scene in particular made me cringe: when a producer was trying to talk

Also, a lot of millenials are well into their 30's now. They aren’t exactly “those kids” anymore. They are adults who are (trying to be at least) contributing members of society with financial and familial obligations, with a decent amount of their own life experience.  The dismissal and derision of millenials as

Tattoos don’t always have to mean something?

How about the inappropriate boundaries his father set - they chased women together, did drugs together....that messes up a young man.

Also Kristen Stewart looks like she took a lot of MDMA at that party. I hope she did. That sounds fun. 

Depression is SO HARD. It is SO MUCH WORK. It’s like everyone else is just jogging along on the treadmill in their cute little outfits, watching The Bachelor, and you’re running a marathon in mud up to your knees with shoes made of cement in the freezing cold pouring rain.

He was also recently accused of kidnapping and assaulting a woman, so there’s that. I am as surprised as you are about him being marginally famous again.

I really do have sympathy for Bieber. I’m dragging my tired body through every day with the help of an anti-depressant and only my friends and family are aware of my daily movements. I cannot imagine what I’d do if I went to buy my weekly bread and eggs and saw my fat ass on the cover of a magazine looking like crap