
Omar was being overly flippant in a way she probably should have avoided on Twitter ... but I agree with her opinion. US foreign policy is far too influenced by pro-Israel donors, and we need to be able to have an honest conversation about that without kneejerk cries of antisemitism.

I appreciate this article, I’ve thought for a long time that we are wayyyyy too Pro Israel. I’ve been trying to educate myself and this was an interesting piece.

Thank goodness things are changing on this front too. Standing against Israel’s treatement of the palestinian people has nothing to do with anti-semitism - it’s basic humanism. Israel is blocking any and every way Palestinians find to sustain themselves under the disguise of combatting terrorism, but really it’s

“I love my students but I’m not a trained security guard or a first responder by any stretch of the imagination... and if you don’t do the right things you will be judged,” O’Brien adds

Former Hill staffer here. I never worked for Amy, but I did counsel a handful of young women who did.

Throwing things in a professional setting is b.s. I have called out employees who did the exact same thing (threw something, didn’t aim it at someone, but it hit them anyway) at my place of work.

This is one of the stories where you find out who believes in feminism and who just wants white women to take the place of white men on the society’s totem pole. I mean, chalking up dismay at a boss throwing things at their staffers to “sexist double standards; if a man can do it, why not a woman?” Huh?

Oh you’re right I forgot about the long history of white people being unable to represent themselves in pop culture due to a mixture of literal slavery and subsequently vehement racism, so instead everyone made themselves up to be ridiculous caricatures that played into many of the completely racist ideas others had

remind us again when white folks were denied, oh, i dunno, anything, because of the color of their skin?

Kimmel also appeared in blackface on the Man Show to impersonate Oprah. Kimmel did a lot of racist, misogynistic shit back in the day in order to get rich & famous and, once he did so, he suddenly (& conveniently) found his moral compass.

but what?

and the pig that raped her only gets 10 years probation!

Well, this woman was very smart and brave. But only $500,000 and the guy who set her up to be raped wasn’t even punished? Wtf?

She was assaulted nurse blames it on a “panic attack” gives her some ice and tells her to brush it off.

Hallie, you’re a true heroine for this. And this kind of article is the Number One reason I read Deadspin over any other sport site - you all actually care about shedding light on these sorts of issues. This feminist thanks you, all of you.

“It has two females in a founder position and presented in a different way than we have ever seen alcohol present females characters before,” she says. “The strength of these women is very important to me.“

About a decade ago, I asked my commercial agent to stop submitting me to anything alcohol related because I wasn’t the “hot girl” and the experience of trying to be “the hot girl” was throwing what little self esteem I had left in the gutter. I wanted out.”

The MOST confident move was to stand there with RBF instead of kowtowing to that director’s whims.

“The behavior described in the Vice article is completely unacceptable and goes against everything that our brand and company stand for, now that you’ve figured out it was us the article was talking about.

“[E]ach actor was asked to dance at the beginning of their audition as this was a way to show one’s level of confidence.”