Oh man, this one really brought the trolls out!
Oh man, this one really brought the trolls out!
WHAT! I was just thinking “man, I’d get so much reading done” and then I reflected on the fact that I’ve never seen one of the girls reading on TV. I guess to force them to interact with each other?
I went there kind of by accident during our Icelandic road trip in 2015 and had no idea it was such a big attraction! We climbed down to the river inside and took our shoes off and walked in the water for a bit too (it was during the summer). There were little fishies.
Oh my god it’s like he’s never encountered a labia before??
I’m planning a trip to Sweden and Norway right at the solstice this summer and I’m so excited!
How did I have to scroll for this long to find a comment that said this???
Omg. thank you so helpful!
I just googled Erin Foster and it says that her and Gigi Hadid are sisters. Then I clicked on the link for her sister, Sara Foster, and it lists Brody Jenner as Sara’s sibling. Can someone more literate in pop culture please explain how all these families are related???
Please tell us some crazy flight stories!
I used to be like, disruptively afraid of flying. I wasn’t in college, then a bunch of other anxiety combined with looking too hard at articles with pictures about that plane that blew up over Russia all manifested in this crippling fear. But i’ve gotten over it more lately, possibly from pure exposure. I still…
Omg i had a similar experience but in Brooklyn of all places! I was next to a mother with her pre-teen daughter and the mother was SO uncomfortable during the first sex scene that she literally nervous talked the whole way through it. So irritating. They also violently gasped and hid their faces at the even SLIGHT…
Issa kiittyyyyyyyyyy
I love this comment.
porque no los dos?
Yeah reminds me of a comment war I got in once because people on this site were telling me Gillian Jacobs isn’t a hot girl