
Okay, those 40 students who mobilized to the principal’s office are awesome. It’s stuff like this that gives me a wee glimmer of hope for the future.

I hope you are from the future.

Democrats. Not liberals. 

Here comes yet another aspect of the bad old days. My dad cried today when he heard this news. His older brother had a high fever as an infant back in the forties, he has the functioning intelligence of a 12 year old. Because of this, my uncle was never allowed to go to school. Never allowed to work, and because of


Fuck the Trump administration, especially as I’ve been crying on the reg’ at each and every Humans of New York post over the last week or so. The Special Olympics matter, but apparently not to those in charge, and that’s a very damaging message to send...much like every other message the Trump administration has sent

From your lips to God’s ears.

For people asking “Is it that he’s a racist and hates brown people and wants them to suffer? Is it that the female Mayor told him what was what and didn’t fall at his vindictive feet? Is it that failed golf course of his? Is it that he wants all the people to die so his Russian & Saudi Arabian pals can build hotels to

Sometimes with Tangerine Voldemort I can’t even.

This won’t be the last headline featuring “Trump” and “RICO.”

He can’t have. Next he’s going to explain that we’re incorrectly identifying the vagina as a the vulva....

All I know is, no commercial break these days is one minute and 20 seconds long. I timed one the other day that was almost 8 minutes. 

It’s ok, I know this ghost. She actually lives a town over and this was her first time out of her usual haunt in over two hundred years. She’s a very supportive soul, very kind, and has never harmed anyone since her death. She was just looking around and enjoying herself. I hope this media kerfluffle hasn’t scared her

I think it’s interesting that you read my comment as saying that ambivalence about plastic surgery is inherently misogynistic because I don’t think that. I do think that calling women who get implants grotesque, stupid, power-seeking, shallow, and neurotic people (among other things) who deserve what they get, which

They did that on The Real World too, I think after the first season they had so much footage of people sitting around reading they took away books. 

When they’re angry it’s because of something you did.
When you’re angry, it’s because you’re irrational and can’t control your emotions.

Denise and Becky can both fuck off.

“Prosecutors are seeking forfeiture of Mr. Ernst’s country club membership...”

On it

It will be a damn travesty if the little people like the assistant teacher serve time while the rich people and celebrities skate.