
Yeah, I know. It recently resurfaced when a BLM blogger picked it up. I think it’s particularly topical given the recent bathroom legislation. Also, what if the woman in the video was trans and was just doing what these dumbass legislators say they want her to do??? I don’t think these idiots know what trans people

Won’t someone think of the men?

Those black & white photos — wow. No shade. She looks like a classic movie star. Purely stunning.

For the men, it was when they last masturbated quietly in the shower so that their wife wouldn’t find out.

Yooo thank you. Penn alum here. Ben’s ours (for better or for worse). Thnxbye.

Damn, that last one. ...Damn. That’s like the hot scruffy man of my dreams that I want to purchase a brownstone with and have adorable hipster babies with and start a backyard spice garden with

This actually already happened to a woman. Video shows cops going into the women’s bathroom and pulling her out, and demanding to see her ID to prove that she’s a woman.

stahhhhhhhp. amazing.

“Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.”

Imagine the parents that complained. IMAGINE THEM.

3 tigers, please.

Yeah wooooah what??

Taking money from dumb-dumbs has long been a solid gold business plan

yes yesyesyesyesyesyes

Gif gold

I could and would have pursued other options to preserve my future and protect my wife and children.

I do agree with you that we should all pick our battles, but as someone said above and with regards to this article, the key is showing these people that there are consequences for this kind of behavior. It’s encouraged and allowed under our current societal structure, which relies heavily on complacency and silent

Noooooo can they?!?! Oh god I have to go check my closet...

So what the hell do you propose then? We all just sit on our asses and wring our hands over the evil in the world meanwhile congratulating ourselves for donating to a women’s shelter?