
It’s on you the same way it’s on all women — all PEOPLE — to stand up to bullshit. Not more so because you’re male, but DEFINITELY not less. Don’t come here whining about how you’re powerless. We all have the power to influence others when we see them doing questionable things, just like we all have the power to

I hope this documentary becomes widely available. Seems like something everyone should see.

Jesus, which hole in the sand have you had your head stuck in?!

Someone just please give me back Thorgy wahhhhhh

The thing is — this video will come as no surprise to any woman, but it obviously comes as a surprise to many men. They don’t have to worry or care about online harassment because their voices are the majority. Spaces are theirs to own.

New phone who dis?

No vegan diet NO VEGAN POWERS

The conservative, bigoted right is always inventing scary stories of ‘others’ trying to get at you and your family in order to achieve their political goals. In this case, they know that playing into this grotesque, twisted version of American maleness (it’s your duty to protect the virtue of your womenfolk!!) is

Get the internets on it

Don’t get me wrong — I agree with what you’re saying — but you’re complaining about the fact that (male) actors now have to be super hot, while actresses have literally always had to be the pinnacle of human perfection. I’m all for lowering the bar in both directions, but let’s not act like the men have it so bad.

same same samesamesame

You’re an old, irrelevant, racist and classist piece of shit. I can’t wait til people like you die out. You’re a waste of space just contributing to the hatred in the world.

Why can’t he just cut his arm off before it spreads???

her custom-designed Kay Jewelers ring, worth more than $21,000.

Same! My first thought when I saw the trailer was basically “Don’t hurt the cat don’t hurt the cat!!” I couldn’t even fully get behind Grand Budapest Hotel because of that cat + window scene.

Wow good joke thanks for making it twice.

Tobias was absolutely incredible in this episode. He really got a chance to shine as Frank. The man can convey a shockingly wide range of emotions.

Pedialyte! I’m telling you.

This is kind of what it’s like to feel constantly monitored by a generation of colleagues and commentators who haven’t taken sufficient time to guide or teach you. The overall impression is that you are fucking up all the time, egregiously, in ways you cannot see or avoid.