

Between this girl, and the girl that wrote that incredible and eloquent refusal to write down her BMI in middle school (elementary school?) gym class, these kids are giving me some MAJOR HOPE for the future. They seem so aware already!

Agreed! She’s my least favorite. She makes me sad and icky feeling because she just can’t pull anything off and yet I can FEEL the trying. Trying so, so hard.

Naomi is so boringggg though. We get it, she’s hot. But she has 0 personality. Send the hot boring ones home before the interesting ones!!


Yes yes yessss. I brought home one of those blankets as a gift for my parents and it’s probably the best thing I bought. It still smells faintly like sheep, which sounds gross but is actually really nice.

Don’t forget hot spring bread!

I want to save these and rewatch them every time I get too depressed about how horrible the world is.

This was happening to me as well, and I realized it was because I hadn’t built up enough arm and core strength yet (therefore I wasn’t holding myself up, but putting all my weight on my neck). I stopped attempting them and in the meantime I’ve been going back to basics to try to work up there in baby steps. Hopefully

hi I’m sorry but YOUR USERNAME.

You are 0/10 on the fun scale.

I have been saying this for YEARS and all these dumb losers can’t see the truth that this movie is GARBAGE.

I have this in my shower also as a remnant from an ex (boyfriend). Sometimes I use it when I shave my legs, cause ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. But idk why that would stop you.

Awwww what a cute little baby. So glad you rescued him!

The feminist revolution finally won and women have come to take over control of all your precious favorite things.

Look at me I’m just so goofy and normal! Aren’t I fuckin adorable?!?! Just being my wacky silly self :)

But imagine how many likes they got on Facebook!!!

Agreed. I was raised in a very conservative area and force-fed that that’s what smart people believed. Thankfully when I got out and grew up enough to think for myself, I was able to come to terms with the issues I had always had with Republican beliefs but had stayed quiet about. Not everyone will get that chance.

This is an understatement IMHO