
At Tesla, you don’t cut corners...corners cut YOU!

Are we all that surprised that the first Cybertruck owner on Nantucket used the pullout method?”

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose newspaper told him to suck it
They did not approve
And told him to move
From public beach where he had stuck it

Drove his truck into town

And, to the degree that raising those taxes and then spending that money is done by the federal government, it’s done by the Congress, beginning with the House of Representatives, not by “the administration.” There’s a guy running for president who spent a few years telling his supporters what money he had “given” to

He fired them, too.

Absolutely. There is no practical benefit to raising a vehicle that already has generous ground clearance. And it risks the safety of the driver and all the driver’s around them. It shouldn’t be legal. There’s a truck that parks in the same lot as me that has to be lifted six inches. I stopped in front of it the other

It’s to impress men and drive away women.

Crush the trucks on sight, same with coal rollers. 

Make the first offense an automatic license revocation and crush the truck.  Bitch about your freedoms while taking the bus.

Just start dropping the trucks into an industrial shredder. Nothing of value will be lost.

You think it’s bad now... just wait until the first Mars colony.

I have never seen one of these in my life. Does it adjust the actual headlight down? What vehicle is that from? 

Sure, Tesla employs people. Sure, they were important to getting the EV movement started. But at this point they’ve gotten so complacent and listen to so many of Musk’s bad ideas that they need to be called out on it.

Tesla: wash the cyber truck immediately upon contact with dust or bird droppings!

Again, I will paste this straight from the Cybertruck website:

Everyone is rightfully mocking this heap for being too delicate to go through a car wash in the daytime, but I would like to once again point out the absolute idiocy of having every single control routed through a single, apparently extremely shitty, touchscreen.  Not only can’t you drive it, but when someone asks

Here’s the section on Exterior Cleaning:

Republicans are about ready nominate a rapist for president.

Most shocking acceleration modes in Teslas you HAVE to try to believe;