
I also like the Switzerland model where they factor in your earnings when calculating the fine. If this influencer shithead wants to make millions and be a public menace, fine him according to his most recent year’s earnings. 

Pretty sure that entire article was full of sarcasm.

I think most of this issue has to do with the low volumes of some EVs, rather than the fact that they are EVs. The interviewee points out that they don’t have issues pricing Bolts because they sell in sufficient numbers. Pricing a Rivian R1T is akin to pricing a McLaren 570S. But buyers have the added concern over

It’s literally proven science, and has been for seventy years.

I can’t go through your entire diatrabe of garden variety often debunked swarm of negativity (it’s already past 1AM here and I’m too tired), so I’ll just say that electrification is still rapidly ongoing, and you shouldn’t judge tomorrow by the state of today.

Thank you, now it makes sense.

Huh? No matter what I try, I can’t figure out what this is trying to say.

Is it me, or is every damn rear door of those trucks darker than the rest of the cars?

He’s a billionaire who bought an entire social network just so he could yell to a captive audience and force them to pay attention to him.

Autoblog called the interior “Luxury worth getting used to” and I think that’s a huge part of the problem. Even in Orange County, where there’s no shortage of luxury cars in younger hands, S-class drivers are old. Really, really, old. People who grudgingly use iPhones and take them either back to the store, or to the

“can’t poach the experienced techs from the company that paid for their training” 

Bingo - companies don’t want to train people, then complain about a “shortage”. They also don’t pay well on top of that. They want someone else to pay the bill for training.

“If you came to me right now with a journeyman that’s been in the EV charging industry for the last couple of years, he’d be hired on the spot,” Trout said.

Seems like someone mentioned doing something like this, but she was vilified for it and lost. 

Good opportunity for all the coal workers to start a new career

Hold on one second. If you had a green light to walk, that means the through traffic also had a green light. And the right turner also had a greenlight to turn right without stopping.

I'd argue it's pretty reasonable to expect more from people behind the wheel of 4,000lbs of steel, given that the likelihood of a driver dying due to a pedestrian collision is basically nil, while the reverse is not. 

I’d add ban the bs left turn arrow as well,

As to the left turn arrow, in many places without it, you won’t ever be able to make a left turn. The key is to have it change to a green light (or flashing yellow arrow in my state) so you have the option to turn left if traffic clears out, rather than only allowing left turns on a green arrow.  They have done this

Eliminating the left arrow? So one car can turn per light cycle at a busy intersection? Ever been ninth in line in the left turning lane? That’s a recipe for road rage.