
This is a thing I love about Lower Decks. Your typical hour-long has an A story, B story, C story, and maybe a runner bouncing along through the plot. I’m amazed that Lower Decks has managed to cram an A, B, and C story into every single half-hour episode. They are functionally (but not technically) writing a

He was Trump’s pick, but he was voted in by the Commission, which was stacked with Republican picks at the time. Perhaps when Biden is able to fill the holdover seats on the commission, things will change.

Because the Biden administration cannot fire his ass. The Postal Service is separate from the government. DeJoy is answerable to the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission, and independent government agency, and not the Biden administration.

so you’re a time traveler? 

Even if FSD beta worked as promised, Tesla has a history of not honoring option packages for subsequent owners. Anything Elon can shut off at his discretion has zero value to me.

A software package that does not work, with a good possibility that it will never work... IMO, CarMax is correct. it’s worthless, and angry owners should be taking it up with Tesla in court for charging so much money for a product that Tesla blatantly lied about in terms of it’s current and future capability.

Pretty sure every cell phone on earth also has hotspot capability.  Not sure of the value-add here.

Right and I made that point when the heated seat thing came up, like the cost for the heated seat is already BUILT into the cost of the car, since they likely did it to reduce the number of seat designs, or it had always been there just not connected. So the cost to the auto maker was already there, the physical

This is exactly it. People are OK with paying for subscription services that are actually services.  I suspect most people think of On Star like they do a home security system, which has a monthly fee to pay for the overhead of having people on call 24/7 if something goes wrong, similarly, Sirius/XM radio are like

Yeah stuff like that is BS, and is 100% what the automakers are going for.

I also read this as 82% of people surveyed are complete idiots

out of curiosity what do you do that requires range greater than 250 miles and how often do you do that? I swapped to an EV over 18 months ago and I have yet to have a single instance where I felt limited by the range.

Tom Layton here, the original Plaintiff. What you all must know is that the auto auctions prohibit buyers from bringing scan tools on to auction property. Therefore, you must believe what the auctions claim. Furthermore, of the 500 or so FedEx vans I personally purchased 99% of them were purchased on-line facilitated

Not sure if you’ve been to an auto auction for dealers, but typically there isn’t time. Big ones like Denver, Riverside, Dallas, etc. might run 1000 cars through 8 lanes simultaneously in 2-3 hours. And the gates open 3 hours before the sale. So you have 3 hours to find what you want, check it out on a huge lot, and

“Odo-meter fraud? Not on my promenade.”

My wife loves her Corolla. Would like to have a new one. It’s over 10 years old though low mileage and great condition. Happy wife, happy life.

Way too many people are spending this kind of money, and don’t realize that they don’t really have it. They won’t be able to send their kids to school, retire, or afford the inevitable emergencies that come up in life. All at the same time that republicans are advocating to continue to erode social security and

Supply and demand. The dealers ask for that kind of money because people will pay it. What gets me is how willingly people add another 800 to 1000 dollar per month payment to their lives, in this time of ever increasing prices for everything. Guess they are making a lot more than me.

You: The 18 minutes it takes to charge from 10-80% is too much time! CAN’T DO IT. UNACCEPTABLE

If you live in an area with heavy traffic, like many parts of California, the Cobra is probably not going to be much fun: